All posts by Miss Fredericks

Riverbrae School Christmas Performance

We had a fantastic time performing with class 405 at the Riverbrae School Christmas performance today! We learned how to sign the chorus of “Merry Christmas Everyone” in Makaton. Thank you for inviting us along. We hope that you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year @riverbrae

Riverbrae School Partnership

Image result for Riverbrae school

Today was our third morning spent at Riverbrae School. Here are some of our thoughts of the experience so far:

 “I love being in Riverbrae. It is a great experience” – Finlay

“They’re kind and just want to play. I feel like I have been welcomed with open arms.” – Gemma

“It was fun because I get to know more people.” – Luke F

“I loved Riverbrae because the students are nice and the teachers are nice.” – Luke A

“I enjoyed meeting new people and helping them.” – Callum J

“I feel good because I like them.” – Lana

“I’ve enjoyed making friends with Ryan.” –Taylor

“I feel good that I got to meet new people!” –Millie

“#bestschoolever #friendliestkidsever – Euan R




Riverbrae School visit

A group of P6 pupils had a lovely morning visiting Riverbrae School today.

“Everyone was nice and chatty.” -Ali

“I made new friends today”- Harrison

“I learned how to say my name is Nieve using Makaton”- Nieve

“It was a fun experience and I’m looking forward to visiting again.” – Iagan

“I enjoyed seeing so many happy people today. Riverbrae is such a cool school!” – Aimee

“I enjoyed meeting new people and making new friends.” – Cameron

“I loved playing with everyone and learning some Makaton.” -Emma McC

“I loved making new friends today.” -Kayla

“I liked seeing so many happy faces at Riverbrae school.” -Rosie

“It was so interesting to see how the boys and girls learn at Riverbrae school. I loved meeting everyone.” – Zach

Primary 6 PE

There has been a change in the timetable. Our gym day has changed from Tuesday to Wednesday. PE for P6 is now on a Wednesday and Thursday.

Enjoy the  long weekend and we’re looking forward to seeing you all back on Wednesday the 14th February
