All posts by Mrs Robertson

Art Club

The children had a fantastic time at Art Club today.  They were asked to sketch some still life scenes using pencils or charcoal.

The objects the children were asked to sketch.

All of the drawings are incredible.  What a fantastic afternoon!



Quality Questions

In Literacy, some of Primary 5 have been about literal, inferential and evaluative questions.  We can explain what they are and recognise each type of question.  We have spent time discussing them in detail, explaining why it’s useful to know this and sorting questions into each category.  Our next step will be to create and answer some literal, inferential and evaluative questions of our own.

Learning about Literal, Inferential and Evaluative questions

Working together to sort questions into categories.  It wasn’t an easy task and everyone did extremely well!


Rag Bag Collection

The P1 and P7 Eco Reps had a busy morning distributing Rag Bags to each class.  Rag bags are used to recycle any old and unwanted clothes/shoes.  The school will receive money based on the weight of the Rag Bags collected so it would be greatly appreciated if we could have as many returns as possible!  The bags will be collected on Monday 20th November.  Thank you for your help!

Harvest Service

On Thursday we had our Harvest Service.  Mr Allison talked about harvest and thanked all of the boys and girls for their very kind donations for the food bank.  Some boys and girls from the Nursery came along to add their donations too. The choir made their first public appearance of this session and their singing was fantastic.  The House Captains counted all of the House Points for the term and the winning house was Jupiter! Mrs Dalrymple thanked everyone for all of their hard work this term and for making her feel so welcome at Wallace. It was a great way to end the term!  Enjoy the October Week everyone!

Paper Chain Challenge

Primary 5 were set a tough challenge today… Miss Montgomery asked everyone to try and create the longest paper chain possible using only one sheet of A4.  To make it even harder, each chain had to be exactly 2cm wide! Each pair had the same materials to work with: one A4 piece of paper, one ruler, scissors and glue.  As pupils only had one piece of paper, they spent time discussing their ideas and strategies with partners before beginning to assemble their chains.

Everyone had different ideas and it was so interesting to see all of the different designs.  We all came together and used our estimating skills to guess which one was the longest before comparing the paper chains.

And the winner was….



Well done Primary 5!! Your ideas for creating your paper chains were all brilliant.  Good luck in the next challenge…

Team Up to Clean Up

Six representatives from our Eco Committee spent the morning at Renfrewshire House learning about the new Team Up to Clean Up campaign.  The pupils learned about the campaign aims and some of the activities which will be taking place during it.  We were asked to answer some questions about litter in our local area and were given the chance to feedback our answers to the rest of the group.  All of our pupils had great ideas and were so confident speaking to other primary school children, high school pupils and adults! The session gave us lots to think about and we’re looking forward to discussing our plans  in more detail after the October break.

I was so impressed with the children’s enthusiasm, behaviour and manners at the event! Well done everyone!