All posts by Mrs Robertson

P5 Chinese visitors

As our topic is China, Miss Montgomery invited her Chinese friends in to tell us all about their life in Beijing.  Kaibo and Wenqi also taught us how to say hello, thank you and the numbers 1-5 in Mandarin.  In return, we taught them the numbers 1-5 in Gaelic and German!  We really enjoyed learning about the similarities and differences between life in China and in Scotland.


We try to have an ERIC time as often as possible but on the last Friday of the month, we have a Big ERIC time.  ERIC stands for Everyone Reading In Class and during our BIG ERIC times we find cosy spots to read and bring in cushions, teddies and blankets.  We had a lovely time reading our books and can’t wait until the next one in October!


Sports Day 21/9/17

Just a reminder that a mini Sports Day has been arranged for tomorrow and pupils should come to school in sports wear.  Children should be prepared for outdoor or indoor sports activities.  We are hoping to have events outside with the P4-7 sports day scheduled to start at 9.15am and the P1-3 events starting at 1pm.   Parents and carers are invited to watch the events.  If we are unable to go ahead due to bad weather, events will be held inside and unfortunately we are unable to accommodate spectators indoors. A text will go out tomorrow morning to confirm whether Sports Day will be held indoors or outdoors.

P5 Maths Week Challenge

Primary 5 were given a tough Maths Week Challenge!  They were asked to find out each class’ preference for a Dream Trip.  They surveyed each class, collated the results in a table, created a bar graph, worked out costings and created a timetable for the day.  They displayed all of these results in eye catching posters.  What a busy week!