All posts by Mrs Wilkie

I-pad day

Last week, Primary 2 was delighted to be chosen to have a visitor in school who taught us how to use an i-pad app to make our own clips about our ‘Under the Sea’ topic. We worked in pairs and used a number of pictures inserting them into a  presentation adding voice overs, information, photographs of ourselves and our work as well as animations to direct the viewers attention to things we wanted to highlight. The children were much better at this than Mrs Wilkie!

We have asked P7 for their i-pad slot when they are at Loch Insh and we plan to have another go at making our own clips!

The Human Body

We have now started our new topic,’ The Human Body’, which is linked to the  Health and Wellbeing curriculum. The children are full of interesting facts and have been bringing in a variety of things to share in class. This week we were able to view an x-ray following on from learning about the skeleton. We have also been finding out about the digestive system and in the next couple of weeks we are looking at the heart and lungs. We are also finding out how to care for our emotional and physical wellbeing.

Our Diorama Winners and Gardening Day.

Diorama Winners

Today was the day when the diorama winners were finally announced. Everybody could have been a winner they were all fantastic. However, we gave the job of choosing a winner to the whole staff of Wallace Primary as we handed out voting forms to staff members as they toured the classroom to view our ‘Under the Sea’ display. Two winners emerged edging out the  competition by a mere 1 vote each. So…

Well Done to our super prize winners below.

Gardening Day

Last week we went out to litter pick on our section of the playground and to check on our raised beds in the school garden.

We have been discussing what we want to plant and weather permitting we plan to have everything planted by the end of May

Watch this space to see what we chose…

Easter Egg Hunt

Primary 2 made the most of the bright weather on Thursday and headed into the wild life garden to hunt for 100 colourful plastic eggs that had been hidden in the undergrowth. One lucky winner had a fluffy chick inside their egg (no real chicks were involved in this activity!) and was awarded an Easter egg as a prize. However, everyone was a winner receiving a chocolate bunny lolly.

Happy Easter everyone , enjoy your holiday.

Open Afternoon – 26th April

Primary 2 would like to let family and carers know that they are having an open afternoon on Thursday 26th April, from 2-3pm. Please come along and see the fantastic work we have been doing for our ‘Under the Sea’ topic.

We hope you have fun on our homework challenge – the children are making their own dioramas ( Under the sea scene set inside a shoe box, or other suitable box.) There will be prizes for the best one made by the children without adult help and another prize for one that has obviously received more help. These are due in on Friday 20th April, so don’t worry if you are away over the holidays.

If you need ideas, you can google ‘Under the Sea dioramas’ and you will see a variety of examples to help you get started.

Sea Life Centre Trip

Primary 2 had a fantastic trip to the Sea Life Centre at Loch Lomond. However, rather than take my word for it, here are some of the  reports the children wrote yesterday.

”We went down into the tunnel to see the Black Tip sharks. Their dorsal fin is black and their body is grey. They were scary because they have good camouflage.” By Logan Wallace.

“We went on the bus to the Sea Life Centre. I saw a Hammerhead shark. He was really scary with a hammer shaped head. He was weird because his mouth was near his chin and his eyes were at the side of his hammer.” By Kyle Gough.

” We went to see the otters, they were cute and I liked them. They were diving down deep. The otters were having their dinner. It was chicken. The otters were jumping in and out of the water. They were fluffy and they were wet.” By Emily Scott.

“Yesterday we went to the Sea Life Centre. My favourite creature was the otters. We arrived when they were getting fed. We also saw Casper the dogfish. The other fish sat on him to protect him from the sunlight (he is an albino). We also saw some plastic bags that looked like jellyfish because animals eat them and die. Then we went on the bus and we went home.” By Grace Murray.

Then there is the view held by many of the children…

“I saw otters but my best part was the shop when I got my shark and stingray.”  By Aidan Drysdale-King.


A new year…lots of new things to learn!

It is lovely to see all of the children back in school after the Christmas holidays and we are already busy with lots of different things.

We have continued with our weather topic and we have some fantastic’ weather people’ who can read weather maps very well. You should ask your children to show you just how good they are!

We have also learned about the wind and how it forms and made some tricky but colourful windmills.

Following the recent snow the children have also been writing instructions on how to build a snow man as well as choosing whether to draw a snowman using chalk pastels or paint, during art.

Mrs Wilkie’s language group has been making ‘sh’ sheep as we practise our latest sounds.

Thank-you to everyone who took time to talk with their children this week,  about our next topic ‘Under the Sea’. We are very excited about some of things we want to learn and the books we are going to be reading. We are planning to change our ‘show and tell’ format, encouraging the children to bring in items related to the topic which they can share during some topic times.

Please keep a look out for information on solo talks, which the children will soon be doing based on their favourite book. Our new library area is ‘under construction’ and we plan to feature  the books they choose  as good books to choose to read.

Mrs Wilkie would like to say a big’ thank-you’ to everyone who was so kind and generous to her in recent weeks, during what was a difficult time. Your support is very much appreciated.

Which just leaves us to say  a somewhat belated ‘Happy New Year’ to the parents and guardians  of Primary 2.

Santa is Missing!

Today, Mrs Wilkie’s Language group were working hard to make missing posters. Yes! Santa is missing! Read some of our descriptions of Santa and find out what he was doing when he went missing. I hope he is found soon, there is still lots to be done !

Well done, you all worked very hard to try and find Santa!

Reading Rangers ride out…

Today our Reading Rangers set off to spy on the reading areas in the different classrooms of the schools. They have taken lots of pictures and we are now going to discuss different things that we could do to make our library area a relaxing place to read a book.