All posts by Mrs Wilkie

Christmas Nativity

Most of you should already have found some lines to learn as the whole of Primary 2 are narrators. If not, please check the homework folders and let us know if it has gone adrift! We are well into learning the songs and you should all have received the letters regarding ticket allocation and also Christmas lunches this week. (Please return lunch letters even if your child is opting for a packed lunch on December 6th).

For the performance, children should wear a Christmas outfit eg a festive t-shirt, jumper or party dress. However, we would ask that the children not wear Christmas hats or large hair accessories in order to give you the best view of your child possible.

P2 Book Bag

You should now have your book bags at home. Primary 2 have been enjoying these books this week and will have some homework tasks linked to them next week. Although there are a variety of tasks to choose from we do not expect them all to be done! We have done a variety of activities including making crocodile masks which the children were keen to wear!

Benny and Barney Bear the bedtime story bears have started their visits to many of your homes. We have already had some super suggestions for recommended books and have enjoyed reading them in class. Keep an eye out for the bears in the school bag over the coming weeks.

Book Week 2018

Primary 2 has been busy this week reading lots of different books. Some parents have also been involved coming into class to read to us. On Monday Christina’s mum read ‘Sharing a shell and ‘We’re going on a bear hunt’. Afterwards we made some super story maps. Later in the week Lucas’s mum came in and read ‘Do not open this book’ and ‘This book just ate my dog’.

Pupil Council Members

We are delighted to announce than Charly McMaster has now taken over the role of Pupil Council Member in P2. She will be working alongside Heather Currie from P2a. Thank-you to Erin Cameron who did a fantastic job  throughout Primary 1.


Holiday Week Reading Challenge

Pictures have started to come in for our October holiday , ‘Get caught reading in an unusual place’ challenge! We are hoping for more people to bring in their pictures and have extended the deadline to next Friday. We have prizes at the ready!

Weekly Homework

This week we started spelling homework. This is linked to the spelling pattern being studied in class but also includes 4 common words which the children find tricky to spell. Instructions are glued into the children’s spelling books and are as follows:

  1. Copy your spelling words twice in your neatest writing.
  2. Try covering the words, can you spell them correctly?
  3. Choose one of the ways below (on the grid in everyone’s jotters) to write out your words

Homework is collected in every Friday morning and a spelling test takes place  – if you are interested this can be found in the back of homework jotters.

Autumn Art

Over the past few weeks the children have really shown an interest in their outdoor environment. We continue to enjoy doing the ‘daily mile’ when weather permits. Having a warm and waterproof jacket in school  enables us to make the most of the outdoors. The children have found a variety of different autumnal items including tree seeds and different coloured and shaped leaves. We have had lots of discussions about these and in the past few days we have enjoyed several art activities including exploration of colour in particular the blending of primary colours.

Here are some of our pictures.

Maths Week Scotland 2018


Mickey’s 90 and we have been learning through the context of Toy Story this Week.

We have been learning about estimation through helping Little Bo Peep find her lost sheep.

We have been learning about the language of chance and probability through our favourite toy story characters.

We have been sorting toy story characters in different ways including making a block graph and using a Venn diagram.

Children have been learning about money through the RBS Money Sense ‘How we use money’ workshop.  We learned the differences between needs and wants, and talked about decisions as to whether we spend, save or donate our money.

Some of us chose to design and  make Hamm piggy banks during active maths this week.

We have been involved in learning with Primary 7 in the hall today and we were able to use our prior learning on data handling and money.

We had a very successful trip to Elderslie shops supported by several parent helpers.  Thanks for taking time to join us and support the childrens’ learning. The weather was kind to us… as were the staff and customers in the shops we descended on! We worked with a partner to spot different kinds of shops in our community and products within the shops.  We each had £1 to spend and as you can imagine most of us chose our favourite sweets and juice.  Some of us got change and some of us had difficult decisions as to what we could afford with our money.  However each class had a pupil who had over 60p change- so they will be able to save it for another day.


Outside Learning

It has been lovely to welcome the children back into Primary 2 and start to get to know them. The children are starting to learn new routines and are settling in well.

We are looking forward to meeting parents and carers at ‘Meet the Teacher’ tomorrow evening (Wednesday 29th August at 5pm). If parents are working and grandparents are usually at the door – feel free to come along we would love to meet you too!

Making the most of the dry weather today we ventured out into the wildlife garden complete with our clipboards to search for a variety of items found in nature. We spotted several signs of a coming seasonal change and we will post photos once annual data forms are returned.







Health Week Day 1

Monday found Primary 2 squeezing in a numeracy lesson before starting on our ‘How to be healthy’ posters…keep watching to find out who eventually wins the competition to have their poster laminated and choose a prize out of the prize box.

We learned that exercise, healthy food, water, jags to protect us from sicknesses, check-ups with the doctor and getting plenty of sleep are all vital to stay healthy.

P2 Garden

The P2 garden has been planted!

As we are now learning about the human body, we decided to plant a garden to appeal to the senses. We have pretty flowers, smelly plants, plants which rustle in the breeze, plants which have a distinct taste as well as plants with unusual textures.

Feel free to look over the fence (on the site of the old nursery) to look at our efforts.

A HUGE thank-you to our’ flower fairies’, Mrs Payne and Mrs Wong,  both of whom paid visits over the weekend to water the plants. Our gorgeous weather this weekend might just have ruined our garden without their efforts! Whilst the good weather continues we are open to helpers 🙂