All posts by Miss Johnston

Topic Homework

Primary 1’s topic homework tonight involves writing on a post it note but silly Miss Johnston and Miss Clark forgot to give out post it notes. If you have any at home great but if not don’t worry about that part.  Sorry

Science Week

Primary 1 have been working very hard as scientists this week. We have learned lots about materials and have recorded our predictions and results of some fun experiments.


Here’s our Waterproof experiment.

We went on a materials hunt.


Friday Maths Week

Primary 1 have finished our ‘Alice in Numberland’ Maths week with some fantastic pattern work.  We coloured the Cheshire Cat with new patterns and designed new top hats for the Mad Hatter. We had such a lot of fun and fantastic learning this Maths Week. #MWSREN @AttainRen

Wonderful Homework

Primary 1’s Maths Week homework is amazing! We found so many pairs of household items, hearts around the home, hundreds of clocks and hats galore. Thank you for all your hard work, the children have loved Alice in Numberland Week! #MWSREN @AttainRen