All posts by Miss Johnston

Show and Tell

Primary 1 will be starting Show and Tell on Wednesday 8th May.

Wednesday 8th May – favourite toy

Wednesday 15th May – favourite book

Wednesday 22nd – favourite holiday or trip

Pupils can bring in an object, photograph or drawing for each theme. Please do not bring in anything valuable or fragile. Smaller objects would be preferable as larger ones may be difficult to store in class.

Children should be able to stand in front of their class and tell them a few facts about their object.

Here are some questions which might help –

What is the object?

Where did you get it from?

How long have you had it?

What do you like about it?

Where did you go?

Who did you go with?

How did you get there?

How long were you there for?

We look forward to hearing about the children’s toys, books and holidays.

Health Week Day 2

Primary 1 were busy again today! We had a visit from Donna telling us about the job of a nurse and doctor. She wrapped us in bandages too! Then the ladies from Morrisons let us try some yummy fruit and veg and we all enjoyed the sponsored cycle/scoot in the playground.