All posts by Miss Johnston

Superhero Open Afternoon

Primary 1

Thanks to everyone who came along this afternoon to our Superhero Open Afternoon. The children did a great job of showing you round and explaining all their work. We hope you were impressed!

If anyone would like any raffle tickets you can send £1 in tomorrow. A total will be announced soon and the prizes will be allocated tomorrow  or Tuesday.

Thanks for donating to Cash for Kids, again a total will be announced soon. If you would like to donate to our page the link is      or visit the Radio Clyde Superhero website and search for our page.

Thanks again

Open Afternoon

Just a reminder – Primary 1 have been working so hard on our Superhero topic and we are so excited to announce that family are now invited to our Open Afternoon on Wednesday 2nd May at 1.45pm. Invitations are in homework folders/bags. We will meet you in the gym hall at 1.45pm for a little surprise then you will be accompanied to the classroom by your child. It’s a great chance for you to see all our hard work. There will be lots of fun activities, a raffle and a ‘chuck it in the bucket’ for Radio Clyde’s Cash 4 Kids Superhero Day, we are also getting a mention on the radio next week!  Children can come to school in superhero clothes that day if they wish. Adults can dress up too! The Open Afternoon will end at 2.45pm and children will be dismissed as usual at 3pm (if there are any changes to hometime arrangements on that day can you let us know in advance, thanks). Hope to see you then!

Superhero Open Afternoon

Primary 1 have been working so hard on our Superhero topic and we are so excited to announce that family are now invited to our Open Afternoon on Wednesday 2nd May at 1.45pm. Invitations are in homework folders/bags. We will meet you in the gym hall at 1.45pm for a little surprise then you will be accompanied to the classroom by your child. It’s a great chance for you to see all our hard work. There will be lots of fun activities, a raffle and a ‘chuck it in the bucket’ for Radio Clyde’s Cash 4 Kids Superhero Day, we are also getting a mention on the radio next week!  Children can come to school in superhero clothes that day if they wish. Adults can dress up too! The Open Afternoon will end at 2.45pm and children will be dismissed as usual at 3pm (if there are any changes to hometime arrangements on that day can you let us know in advance, thanks). Hope to see you then!

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