Children in the nursery were full of excitement this morning when Mr Ford delivered a pipe inspired musical instrument. The children used foam paddles to create sounds and tunes.
Thank you to Mr Ford for taking the time to make this very kind donation, given in appreciation of the hard work of the nursery staff. (Happy Together, Learning Together, Succeeding Together.)
Another week of celebrating Wallace successes at assembly on Friday. The children found out that Venus was the winning house! Well done to everyone in Venus for working hard – a celebration to follow.
Together in house teams the children discussed bullying, what it means and how it should be dealt with. The children’s ideas will all be pulled together to write the school’s Anti-Bullying Policy! (Happy Together. LearningTogether. Succeeding Together.)
Thank you very to the Parent Council for organising the Smartie Challenge which raised an impressive £995.84.
The draw took place at assembly on Friday and all winners were delighted to receive a cinema voucher.
Well done to everyone in the nursery class and primary school who participated and contributed to this very successful fundraising event. (Succeeding Together)
Over the weeks the boys and girls have been practising their keyboard and mouse skills at Computer Club. They can successfully login, type their name and use the drawing tools. They used the Big Brown Bear website to learn where all the letters on the keyboard are. Here is the link so they can play the game at home: