We had a fantastic journey down to Drayton Manor yesterday. The kids were fantastically behaved on the way down, and had a ball in the theme park, which was just the right size for us. Many of them had definitely taken their brave pills, and there was a great sense of achievement for all. After a lovely evening meal in the hotel the children went to bed with very little fuss and were all fast asleep just after 11pm.

There wasn’t a peep from the rooms until morning, when many of the children were uand dressed way before their wake up call!!!

Our tour around London was pretty congested this morning thanks to the Queen opening parliament. However it was very interesting and we even saw a military drive by as they made their way to Westminster. We have just had lunch and the groups are currently enjoying a bit of retail therapy before we head off to Pineapple Dance Studios πŸ™‚

The workshop at Pineapple Dance studios was just amazing! We can’t believe what the children were able to achieve in just two hours- you won’t believe the videos! It’s got everyone sooooo excited about the show tonight. We have feasted on pizza and ice cream and are in our seats ready for the show to start!

Matilda was great, and made even more special when the song we learned in our workshop came on πŸ™‚

Another quiet night! Off for a very busy morning…..

The hearts have stopped racing following the London Dungeons! What a brave bunch! The sea life centre was a hit too. We are now enjoying the sunshine and taking in the sights as we head down the Thames to Grenwich for our trip on the cable cars.

We had a brilliant evening at Charlie, the seats we had meant we saw all the action up close. We had some very sleepy heads on the bus, so last night was definitely the easiest in terms of getting the kids to sleep- despite some German school children having a party above us!!!! We have had our final breakfast this morning πŸ™ , and are just doing our final packing before heading to Harry Potter πŸ™‚