Primary 2 Homework Week beginning 17.2.20

Homework Tasks this week-

Reading– core reader (reading book);

Spelling– spelling pattern oi- the common words this week are could, would, should.

Please encourage your child to:

Say the word   e.g. boil

Break it into the sounds e.g. b- oi-l (3 sounds)

Blend it- b…oi….l…(stretching out each sound)

Write it (whilst covering the word)

Check it (against the written format)

If possible, tackle one column of spelling on two different nights. Please write one or more sentences using one or more spelling words, making sure each sentence starts with a Capital letter, has finger spaces between words and has a full stop/other end punctuation at the end of each sentence.

There will be a spelling dictation on Friday this week.


Maths- Missing number sums (or missing addend sums).

Find the missing number. Remember the missing number will be smaller than the answer.  If the number if larger children should become aware that they have gone wrong.

Knock the number (gently) in to your head and count on using your fingers until you reach the answer. The missing number should correspond to the number of fingers you are holding up.

e.g. 4  +   __  =  8

Knock your head gently saying 4, then count on your fingers 5,6,7,8. You should be holding up four fingers.  The missing number in the sum is 4.

If this is tricky– use objects (like buttons) to find the answer. Lay out 4 buttons- put out more so you have 8 in total.  How many extra buttons did you need to lay out?

Extra Challenge

Choose a missing number sum/s from the first side. Can you show this on an empty number line?

Please bring homework folders/reading books daily, as children will need these at various times during the week.

Thanks for your support with homework. Ms Crawford