Maths Week Scotland 2018


Mickey’s 90 and we have been learning through the context of Toy Story this Week.

We have been learning about estimation through helping Little Bo Peep find her lost sheep.

We have been learning about the language of chance and probability through our favourite toy story characters.

We have been sorting toy story characters in different ways including making a block graph and using a Venn diagram.

Children have been learning about money through the RBS Money Sense ‘How we use money’ workshop.  We learned the differences between needs and wants, and talked about decisions as to whether we spend, save or donate our money.

Some of us chose to design and  make Hamm piggy banks during active maths this week.

We have been involved in learning with Primary 7 in the hall today and we were able to use our prior learning on data handling and money.

We had a very successful trip to Elderslie shops supported by several parent helpers.  Thanks for taking time to join us and support the childrens’ learning. The weather was kind to us… as were the staff and customers in the shops we descended on! We worked with a partner to spot different kinds of shops in our community and products within the shops.  We each had £1 to spend and as you can imagine most of us chose our favourite sweets and juice.  Some of us got change and some of us had difficult decisions as to what we could afford with our money.  However each class had a pupil who had over 60p change- so they will be able to save it for another day.