Sea Life Centre Trip

Primary 2 had a fantastic trip to the Sea Life Centre at Loch Lomond. However, rather than take my word for it, here are some of the  reports the children wrote yesterday.

”We went down into the tunnel to see the Black Tip sharks. Their dorsal fin is black and their body is grey. They were scary because they have good camouflage.” By Logan Wallace.

“We went on the bus to the Sea Life Centre. I saw a Hammerhead shark. He was really scary with a hammer shaped head. He was weird because his mouth was near his chin and his eyes were at the side of his hammer.” By Kyle Gough.

” We went to see the otters, they were cute and I liked them. They were diving down deep. The otters were having their dinner. It was chicken. The otters were jumping in and out of the water. They were fluffy and they were wet.” By Emily Scott.

“Yesterday we went to the Sea Life Centre. My favourite creature was the otters. We arrived when they were getting fed. We also saw Casper the dogfish. The other fish sat on him to protect him from the sunlight (he is an albino). We also saw some plastic bags that looked like jellyfish because animals eat them and die. Then we went on the bus and we went home.” By Grace Murray.

Then there is the view held by many of the children…

“I saw otters but my best part was the shop when I got my shark and stingray.”  By Aidan Drysdale-King.