A new year…lots of new things to learn!

It is lovely to see all of the children back in school after the Christmas holidays and we are already busy with lots of different things.

We have continued with our weather topic and we have some fantastic’ weather people’ who can read weather maps very well. You should ask your children to show you just how good they are!

We have also learned about the wind and how it forms and made some tricky but colourful windmills.

Following the recent snow the children have also been writing instructions on how to build a snow man as well as choosing whether to draw a snowman using chalk pastels or paint, during art.

Mrs Wilkie’s language group has been making ‘sh’ sheep as we practise our latest sounds.

Thank-you to everyone who took time to talk with their children this week,  about our next topic ‘Under the Sea’. We are very excited about some of things we want to learn and the books we are going to be reading. We are planning to change our ‘show and tell’ format, encouraging the children to bring in items related to the topic which they can share during some topic times.

Please keep a look out for information on solo talks, which the children will soon be doing based on their favourite book. Our new library area is ‘under construction’ and we plan to feature  the books they choose  as good books to choose to read.

Mrs Wilkie would like to say a big’ thank-you’ to everyone who was so kind and generous to her in recent weeks, during what was a difficult time. Your support is very much appreciated.

Which just leaves us to say  a somewhat belated ‘Happy New Year’ to the parents and guardians  of Primary 2.