Discovering Elderslie

Last week, Primary 2 took advantage of some lovely weather and set off to explore Elderslie. We have been learning about the differences between living on an island and living on the mainland. This has started us thinking about what makes Elderslie a good place to live and asking why people live here and what we might find on our doorsteps.

Mrs Wilkie and her class set off to the football fields where they could see  houses had been built on the site of a carpet factory. They then crossed over the Brandy Burn and headed into the estate to see how many different types of housing they could see.

Mrs McKinnon and Miss Harper set off towards the shops down by the traffic lights. They found the site of the old swimming pool and also discovered a bowling green, hidden behind what used to be a library and the village hall.

We all walked along the main road looking for the cycle track – no railway station in Elderslie any more! We saw where the old Wallace Primary used to be over 40 years ago! Then it was on to the Wallace Monument,  ruins and tree that celebrate the fact that William Wallace was born here.

We had a wonderful afternoon out with the help of some of our mum volunteers. We know that  if you saw us out and about you would have noticed that we were on our best behaviour!