SCIAF – Funday Fridays

As we are once again supporting SCIAF as our Lenten Charity we are going to FUNdraise while having FUN! For the next four Fridays we are going to do something fun to raise awareness and money for SCIAF.

Friday, 12th March – Wear it purple day.

Purple is our Church’s colour of Lent. You can wear 1 thing purple or you can go purple crazy and wear as much purple as you can!! If you are in school you can bring £1 for SCIAF if you are at home you can put your £1 in a safe place and bring it when you return to school. P4-7 on Friday you will have a google meet with your class and you can show everyone what your purple thing is.

Friday, 19th March – Crazy hair day.

Friday, 26th March – Own clothes day.

Thursday – 1st April, (the day we stop for the Easter break) – PYJAMA day!!!!

If you can please bring £1 each of these Fridays for SCIAF. Maybe you can do chores for your families to earn these pounds.

Thank you children.