Category Archives: RAiSE

New from RAiSE – Simple STEM Resources support videos

We don’t need expensive, fancy resources to deliver rich and engaging science and STEM learning!   

Check out these great short videos made by the RAiSE Primary Science Dvelopments Officers across Scotland, that show you lots of different STEM activities you can do with inexpensive resources that are probably in your store cupboard right now!

Simple STEM Resources Videos from RAiSE

More fantastic RAiSE resources now added! 🤩

You may have already checked out the RAiSE Science Planning Resource – a great tool to support  teachers in planning for science around the experiences and outcomes from early to second level.

The RAiSE network have also created a similar resource to support teachers with Technologies – this Technologies Planning Resource is such a great document for anyone feeling less than confident with teaching any aspect of the Technologies Experiences & Outcomes!

You can find these documents here in the Resources section of this glow blog or visit the Education Scotland STEM Nation glow blog for loads more resources and STEM support!