Category Archives: Primary 1

PATHS Programme for Schools

St David’s deliver the PATHS Programme for Schools (UK Version).  This is a social and emotional learning programme that teaches children about their emotions and facilitates the development of self control.  We work with a coach from Barnardo’s who helps us with delivery and as part of their role the coach gathers anonymised surveys to assess the impact of the programme.  Please read the attached privacy statement and contact our coach Katrina McGovern via email at if you would not like your child to be included in any surveys or feedback activities.

KM Barnardo’s PATHS Privacy Statement 2021

Primary 1 Park Fun!

It was a very exciting afternoon in Primary 1. We had our very first adventure outside the school grounds. As a class we decided we would like to visit the park and have some fun playing together so that’s exactly what we did!

First we had to discuss our route and think about how we could get there safely. We managed to cross the road using the zebra crossing making sure we all looked both ways to check it was safe. Then we walked up the hill to the park. Some of us felt like we were walking up a huge mountain!

We had lots of fun playing together. We were sliding, swinging, running, climbing, bouncing and even making music!

We can wait for our next adventure!

Primary 1 St. David’s Feast Day 2021

Today we celebrated a very special day – St. David’s Feast Day. We were sad that we couldn’t celebrate in our usual way of having a family picnic but we used our imagination and did the next best thing!
First we had a chat about who we would have liked to invite to our special picnic. There were lots of different suggestions of parents, grandparents, cousins, neighbours and pets! We then drew them so that they could be with us in some way. Can you spot yourself in any of the pictures?

Then we took our special guests out with us for a picnic in the playground. It was so much fun!

Finally, we were so excited to have a visit from the ice-cream van! Even David the lion got a lick of an ice-cream cone!

What a special day!

Primary 1 PATHs assembly

Primary 1 enjoyed a great PATHs assembly this morning. We started off with a little dance to get us all excited and raring to go! Then we listened to a lovely story called Stellaluna. Stellaluna taught us about friendship and the fact that we can be friends with others even if we are very different from each other. It was great to join in with lots of other Primary 1s and 2s from other schools in Renfrewshire. We were very excited when Kirsty and Katrina read out our answers too!


Primary 1 Mental Health Awareness Week

This week we have had a focus on Mental Health. We kicked the week off by planting some sunflowers to “Grow a little Sunshine”. Thank you to RAMH for providing us with seeds, pots and soil. We also enjoyed designing lovely sunflowers by taking part in Mindful colouring.

Then, with inspiration from the film “Inside Out” and the book “The Colour Monster”, we used our imagination to create our own “Emotion Monsters”. We discussed what their faces would look like, what shapes we could use and what colours would be appropriate to show each emotion.

Next, we created emotion faces as part of our outdoor learning. We love getting outdoors and know how important it is for our mental health.

We decided to create a challenge for you! The emotions we created are; Happy, sad, angry, scared, bored and confused. Can you guess which one is which?




Outdoor fun!

Primary 1 have enjoyed experiencing all the seasons over the last couple of days! We had a windy start to our day yesterday so decided to make some kites with Mrs Fletcher to fly high into the sky. Today we made the most of the rainy weather and puddles by creating water obstacle courses using pipes, stands, milk crates, buckets and watering cans. Then the sun decided to appear in the afternoon for outdoor PE with Sean and fun on the trim trail.  Miss Munro also put on a Power Rangers disco for us at lunch time! You really can experience all weathers in 24 hours! Have a look at our pictures below to see what we have been up to.