School Applications

Each residential property located within Renfrewshire has a catchment non-denominational and Roman Catholic primary and secondary school assigned to it.

If you live in Renfrewshire or are moving to the area you should apply for a catchment place at the Primary or Secondary school associated with your property.

Information on how to apply can be found on Renfrewshire Council’s website (link below).

Applying for a school catchment place 

Although the Council aims to provide enough places for all children at the preferred catchment primary and secondary school, living within the delineated catchment area of a school does not guarantee a child a place at a catchment school.

If you wish yo attend a school that is not within your catchment area you should complete a placing request application. You are advised that you should also submit a catchment application, as there is no guarantee that a placing request will be successful.

Telephone – 0300 300 0181

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