Lifelink Counselling Service (Secondary) |
Lifelink counsellors will continue to work with staff in schools. Please contact your school for more information or use the contact across: |
T: 0141 552 4434, Email: |
Place2Be Heads Together |
Resources for pupils, staff and parents | |
Heads Together |
a new free text messaging service called Shout which aims to connect people experiencing mental health crisis to trained volunteers who provide help at a time when it is most needed | |
Heads Up |
a GGC website for good mental health across Glasgow and Clyde, includes information about the types of services that are available across NHSGGC.
| |
Breathing Space |
A free, confidential phone and web-based service for people (16+) in Scotland experiencing low mood, depression or anxiety. |
Tel: 0800 83 85 87 |
Samaritans |
Free and confidential support to anyone, any age. |
Tel: 116 123
NHS Living Life |
A free telephone-based service for people (16+) feeling low, anxious or stressed. |
Tel: 0800 328 9655 |
talktime Scotland |
is a unique counselling charity for young people in Scotland aged 12-25 who are either physically disabled or have a long-term health condition. |,6INL8,5BJLW4,PW17Z,1
Sleep Scotland |
Sleep patterns change significantly for teenagers which can make it difficult to get the right amount of sleep. Sleep Scotland website has a new Teen Zone specifically designed to support teenagers sleep better! |
Teaching and Learning Resources to Support Renfrewshire Schools