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Reading Books

Hi there

All pupils have taken home a library book today to read with an adult. This is to be returned on Friday. Pupils will be searching for ‘sh’ words in library books throughout the week.


Miss Grant and Miss Finnigan

Welcome to P2K!

Hello and welcome to Primary 2K children and parents.

I hope the children are enjoying school so far, as much as I am!

Homework letters will be issued shortly with extra information for the rest of the term, however I thought I would share that our gym days with be Tuesday and Friday. This will start next week. Please can I ask that any P.E. kits be in school in time for Tuesday.

Looking forward to meeting you all properly soon.

Many thanks,

Mrs Kane

Welcome Back!

What stars you all are in Primary 2S!

We had a great first day back, beginning to settle back into the school routines.

Miss Gilbert and I are loving getting to know you all, and cannot wait for all the fun learning experiences we are going to share throughout the year.

We will issue more information on homework and routines soon, but we wanted to let you know that our PE days are Thursdays and Fridays.  It would be much appreciated if you could ensure PE kits are sent into school by next Thursday.

Many thanks,

Miss Gilbert and Mrs Simpson

Welcome to Primary 2!

Hi there,

We hope you have enjoyed your holidays. We had a fantastic day today in Primary 2. We were super impressed with our tidying skills and after break we created our own class charter which we all promised to follow.

All children have been issued with a homework diary. Homework will begin to be issued next week.

Our PE days are MONDAY and FRIDAY. This will also start next week. Can all long hair be up and any earrings please be removed or taped over, thanks.

We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Miss Grant and Miss Finnigan.

Thank you and happy holidays

Hello everyone,

A final P2F post to say a huge thank you for all of the lovely gifts and heart warming words.  You have been so thoughtful and I am truly thankful. I could not have asked for a better first year at Bishopton Primary and that is thanks to you and your children. I have enjoyed every day working with Primary 2 and I am looking forward to hearing about their continued success in Primary 3.

I hope you all have a super summer!

Miss Finnigan  x

Last day of Primary 2

Hi there

I cannot believe it is the last day already! How grown up we all are and excited for what Primary 3 holds. Thank you so much for all your support this year and a huge thank you for the kind gifts today. What a great year it has been.

Thanks again

Miss Grant

Last Day

Hi there

I cannot believe tomorrow is the last day of Primary 2! It has gone so fast.

Tomorrow, as usual, the final bell will be rung in the middle playground at 1pm. The children will all be standing together in the middle playground with the rest of Primary 2. After the bell rings they will be lined up in their classes for collection in the middle playground. All children will need to be taken from the line by an adult and the teachers will check that each child goes with their adult.


Miss Grant

P2F Reading munch party

Hello everyone,

I can not believe that this is the final week of primary 2. What a quick year it has been! We have had a fabulous year and I would like to thank you all for your continuous support.

On Friday morning we will be having a reading much party with Primary 5. The children should bring their favourite book to share with their reading buddies, as well as a snack.

Many thanks,

Miss Finnigan and P2F

P2K PATHS party!

Hello everyone,

In consultation with the children, our PATHS party will be on Friday (28th June). The children would like to be able bring in their favourite toy or board game to play with, as well as having lots of fun dancing, singing and playing games.

Thank you again for all of your support this year. It has been a wonderful year and I will miss the children all very much.

Many thanks,

Mrs Kane

Taking work home

Hi there

I cannot believe we are at the last week of term already. Can I take this opportunity to thank you all for the support received over the year. We have had a fabulous year. Can I ask that all children bring in a plastic bag over the next couple of days to allow them to take any work home?

Our PATHS party is on Thursday afternoon. The children have asked to bring in a soft toy and have a small picnic. They are able to bring in any snacks they wish.


Miss Grant