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Primary 2 Open Afternoon

Good Morning,

We are holding an open afternoon in Primary 2 on Wednesday 13th of November from 2pm-3pm and we would love to invite parents to come and see what the children have been learning so far.

We ask that one adult per child attends due to numbers.

An invitation has been placed into your child’s bookbag today.

Thanks and we look forward to seeing you!

The Primary 2 Teachers


First Day Back

We had a lovely first day back in Primary 2F and 2G.

We loved hearing the stories from the children about what they had been up to. We started looking at number bonds and addition in maths and we worked really hard! We also went on an Autumn walk for our RE topic of Harvest. We picked leaves and discussed how they become yellow and crispy. We then classified them using a tree guide! We really enjoyed our first day back.

Maths Week



We had a fantastic maths week in Primary 2G and Primary 2F. We investigated lots of different maths concepts through our freeflow play sessions. We also created our own symmetrical castles as part of the Maths Week Cluster competition. On Friday, we had a full day of maths and enjoyed taking part in lots of different activities. We loved visiting the co-op. The boys and girls enjoyed discussing real life maths and discussing how they use maths at home.  We took lots of pictures to show how much fun we had.

Co-op parent helpers

Hello everyone,

I hope that you all had a great long weekend!

Can our parent helpers for the co-op (we have spoken to these people or written a note back in homework diaries) come to our classroom for 1.55pm on Thursday in order to leave at 2pm. We should be back just after 2.30pm.

Two letters have been placed in your child’s book bag, one reminder for each child to bring £1 if possible to the co-op and the other your parent’s night appointments. If there are any issues please let us know as soon as possible in order to accommodate you as best we can. Slips should be returned as soon as possible to confirm your attendance.

As the sumdog contest is part of maths homework this week, we have placed your child’s sumdog username and password at the back of their diary (or front depending on where it was stuck). Sumdog can be accessed via this link:

A reminder that tomorrow and Thursday are photo days.


Miss Finnigan and Miss Grant


P2K Parent Helpers.

Hello everyone,

Next week we will be celebrating numeracy and maths throughout the school. As part of our learning, we will be visiting the Co-op on Thursday 3rd October from 11:30 – 12:00. The school are kindly asking for each child to bring in £1 to spend whilst we are there. P2K will be encouraged to purchase anything they wish from the fruit and vegetable section inside. To help us cross the road safely and with help inside the Co-op, I would love for 2 parent helpers to join us on our short trip. If you are able to help us please let me know as soon as possible.  We will be aiming to leave the school at 11:20.

Thank you for all your help and continued support,

Mrs Kane. 🙂

Maths Week Co-op Visit

Hello everyone,

We still require two more helpers for our co-op visit on Thursday 3rd October (1 for P2F and 1 for P2G). We will be leaving around 2pm and return back to school at 2:30pm. If you are able to come along, please leave a note in your child’s homework diary or let us know at the end of the day.

Many thanks,

Miss Finnigan and Miss Grant

Parent Helpers

Hello everyone,

On Thursday 3rd October we will be visiting  Co-op as part of Maths Week Scotland.  We will be leaving around 2pm and return back to school at 2:30pm.  We will be needing 4 parent helpers (2 per class) to kindly come along to assist us on our trip. If you are able to do so, please leave a note in your child’s homework diary or let us know at the end of the day.

Many thanks,

Miss Finnigan and Miss Grant

Read and Munch

Hello everyone!

I hope you are all well.

Thursday will be read and munch day for P2F and P2G. We will be doing it with P6G. The children can bring a healthy snack to enjoy during reading munch time. We have an exciting selection of books in our class library, however if your child would like to bring in their favourite book from home they are welcome to do so.

Many Thanks,

Miss Finnigan