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Sumdog Contest 16th-22nd November


A new Renfrewshire Sumdog contest starts at 8am on Friday 16th November and ends at 8pm on Thursday 22nd November. Scores are based on accuracy, and questions tailored to each student’s level – so everyone has a fair chance.

Please play at any time using your username and password to help your class climb the leader board.

Book Bags

Through the Read, Write, Count campaign, all P1 to P3 children will receive a free bag with books, counting games and writing materials this year.

Research tells us that parental involvement in children’s learning is one of the best ways to improve educational outcomes for all children. Read, Write, Count is about giving parents the confidence to get involved and provides resources to support learning at home. The campaign is being delivered by Scottish Government, Education Scotland and Scottish Book Trust.

On Thursday 22nd at 2.15pm, Parent/carers/ grandparents of P2 & P3 pupils are invited to a short presentation by Mr Collins and Mrs Davidson in the gym hall about the contents of the book bags. After this you are welcome to go to your child’s class at 2.30(ish) and will then be given the opportunity to work with your child using the contents of the book bags and activities whilst being supported by the class teacher/ DHT’s.

The bags will have been distributed to the pupils beforehand and some Book Week Scotland activities. We hope you will join in some activities with your child.

We would be very much obliged if you could leave the classroom at 3pm in order that we can prepare for home time.

Looking forward to seeing you then.

Mrs Davidson & Mr Collins

P2F homework


I hope you all had a great weekend. Here is the homework for this week and some additional information regarding the trip to Stirling Castle.

MathsDue Thursday

Counting to 10 activity sheet.

Reading – Due Friday

New reading books have been issued.

Spelling – Due Thursday

The spelling rule for this week is y-end words. In class the children have been learning about different y-end words and selected the following for homework:

lovely, puppy, boy, play

The common words are:

there, use, and, each

Your child will have received a letter about our upcoming trip to Stirling Castle on Tuesday 27th November. Please complete and return by Tuesday 22nd November.

If you have any further questions please ask.

Thank you!

Miss Finnigan


Homework w/b 12/11/18

Good afternoon!

Here is our homework for the week ahead:


The children have been given out brand new reading books this week. They are due back on Friday. We have been enjoying the use of hop, skip and jump to help us with our reading. Ask your child to show you this.


Maths homework this week focusses on written sums. This is due on Thursday.


Our sound this week is ‘ck’. The spelling words we chose were:

Red Group: trick, quack, duck and truck.

Blue Group: stack, brick, bucket and packet.

Our common words this week are:

there, use, and and each.

As always, please ask if you have any queries either through the homework diary or at the end of the day.

The children have a letter in their bookbags today about an upcoming trip.  A small slip at the bottom has to be returned by the 22nd November.



Miss Grant

Primary 2K homework w.b. 12.11.18

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a lovely weekend.

Please see this weeks homework below and additional blog post about Children in Need.

Many thanks,

Mrs Kane and P2K.

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted
Monday Spelling –

1.     words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add at least 2 of your own words using the same rule.

2.    One sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Friday of the same week.


Our Spelling Test and Dictation will be on a Friday morning. Results can be seen in the back of your child’s homework jotter.



Maths Activity Thursday of the same week.
Monday Reading – new books given out either weekly or fortnightly dependent on group. Friday of the same week.
These homework activities can be completed in any order on any day that you wish.

This table is only for reference as to when each piece of homework will be issued and returned to school.

Please note that reading munch will be every Thursday before break.

Mrs Kane.