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Castle collection

Hello everyone!

I would like to say a huge thank you to you for helping the children with their castles. I was so impressed with them all and It is clear how much effort has went into them, they are amazing! The children have had a great time playing with and presenting them in class.

As much as I would love to keep the castles in class for a longer period of time we will be sending them home on Friday after school due to the lack of space. I really appreciate all of the hard work that you and your children put into making these.



Primary 2 Nativity and Party

Please could all Primary 2 children come to school in a shirt and tie with their skirt, pinafore or trousers, on the day of their nativity performance.

The Primary 2 party will be held in the afternoon of Wednesday 19th December. Children should come to school in school uniform, and can change into party clothes in the afternoon.

Many thanks,

The Primary 2 Team

Missing Jumper

I am missing a P2 size Nike black jumper from my class that was lost on house art day. It may have ended up with someone else. If anyone finds it can it please be handed in to the class teacher so I can return it.


Miss Grant

Castle Collection

First I would like to say a big thank you for embracing the castle challenge with the children. I have a feeling there were a lot of busy households. The children have had great fun playing with the castles in class this week.

We will be sending the castles home with the children on Friday after school. Thank you once again for all the hard work and we hope the children continue to have fun with their castles at home.

Homework w/b 3rd December

Good afternoon!

I cannot believe we are in December already! Here is our homework for the week ahead:


The children have been given out brand new reading books this week. They are due back on Friday.


Maths homework this week is continued practise of numbers to 100. This is due on Thursday.


Our sound this week is magic e with a sounds. The spelling words we chose were:

Red Group: bake, hate, ate and gate.

Blue Group: snake, name, grape and brave.

Our common words this week are:

other, about, out and many.

As always, please ask if you have any queries either through the homework diary or at the end of the day.

I am excited to see all your hardworking on your castles tomorrow .


Miss Grant

P2K homework w.b. 03/12/18

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a lovely St Andrews Day and had a lovely relaxing day off.

Reminder that our castles should be completed and brought into school tomorrow (Tuesday 4th December). Be prepared to talk about how you made it, some of the different parts of a castle and also show us your moving part.

Please see our homework below.

Many thanks

Mrs Kane and P2K.


Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted


Spelling Sound


Magic e – a sound changes to the long vowel sound of ‘ai’.

Spelling –

1.     words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add at least 2 of your own words using the same rule.

2.    One sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Friday of the same week.


Our Spelling Test and Dictation will be on a Friday morning. Results can be seen in the back of your child’s homework jotter.



Maths Activity Thursday of the same week.
Monday Reading – new books given out either weekly or

fortnightly dependent on group.

Friday of the same week.
These homework activities can be completed in any order on any day that you wish.

This table is only for reference as to when each piece of homework will be issued and returned to school.

Please note that reading munch will be every Thursday before break.

Mrs Kane.

P2F homework

Hello everyone, I hope you all had a fantastic weekend!


New books have been issued.


This weeks spelling rule is a-e words.

Red group: grape, plane, chase, skate

Green group: race, grape, lake, race

common words: other, about, out, many


Treasure island activity sheet.

As always if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Thank you!

Miss Finnigan


Ospreys – House Art Day

Image result for osprey

Calling all Ospreys! For our House Art Day this year (Thursday 29th November) we will be creating our usual themed display which will be on show within the school. For our individual Christmas craft we are looking for resources. Please see below for items we would like you to bring in, if possible.

P1-3  –  newspapers

P4-7  –  cereal boxes

This will be a non-uniform day. Please remember that our activities may get messy so please do not wear your good clothes.


W/B 26.11.2018


This week reading and spelling homework issued as normal. We continue to encourage the children to discuss the 3 sharing’s at home. For maths homework we would like the children to continue to work on counting backwards within 100.


Tomorrow is our trip to Stirling Castle. A reminder that if you did not order a lunch then the children should bring a packed lunch with them. It will be helpful to put their name on the bag. Children have to wear school uniform and sensible shoes for walking around in. We will be leaving sharp in the morning so I will open the doors 5 minutes early to allow the children to get to the toilet.

House Art Day

This will take place on Thursday. Please remember to send the children in clothes that you do not mind getting messy.

Enjoy the extra day off on Friday to celebrate St Andrew’s Day.