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Primary 2 Party

Hello everyone,

We hope you are all enjoying our Nativity performances and looking forward to the holidays.

Just a reminder that our P2 Christmas party is on Wednesday 19th December at 1:15pm. Due to the Nativity performances and rehearsals, we kindly ask that your child still comes to school in their school uniform, with their party outfit in a carrier bag.

We are looking forward to enjoying the rest of the week and finishing at 2:30pm on Friday.

Have a fun and restful holiday and we will see you all in 2019.

Many thanks for your continued support,

Primary 2 teachers.

Events this week

Hi there, here is a list of events for the week:

Tuesday: Nativity – 9.30am – Children should wear shirt and tie and a Christmas accessory.

Wednesday: P2 Christmas Party – Children should wear uniform during the day and bring in a change of party clothes to change into later.

Friday: Finish at 2.30pm.

There is no formal homework this week. I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas holiday.

Miss Grant

Profiles and Nativity


You should all have now received your child’s profile via the Email address that you provided to the school. It would be really helpful if you could respond so that I know if you have received this. If not could you please get in contact with me with an up to date Email address via my Email:

The Christmas Nativity is fast approaching! P2F will be performing on Wednesday 19th. You should all have received your tickets as I put them in your child’s book bag. The dress rehearsal will take place Tuesday 18th. Your child should wear their school shirt and tie and can wear something Christmas related on their head such as tinsel, Santa hat and so on.

If you have any further questions please don’t hesitate to ask me at the end of the day.

Thank you,

Miss Finnigan




Just a small reminder that our dress rehearsal for our nativity is on Monday. Could the children please wear their shirt and tie and their small Christmas accessory on both Monday and Tuesday as our nativity is on Tuesday.

I am looking forward to seeing all the Christmas jumpers tomorrow! It is a suggested £1 donation.

Miss Grant


You will shortly be receiving the Learning Journey of your child. This will be sent to the email that you provided. It would be helpful to both teachers if you could let us know if you receive the profile and what you think about it. We hope you enjoy it.


A huge thank you for the effort put in for the castles project. It was fantastic to see how excited the children were to show them to the class and to demonstrate their working parts. They had a great time playing with them.

Homework w/b 10th December 2018

This is the last week of formal homework for this term. We are excited to show you our fantastic nativity performance!

Here is our homework for the week ahead:


The children have been given out brand new reading books this week. They are due back on Friday.


Maths homework this week is revision of addition to 20. This is due on Thursday.


Our sound this week is magic e with i sounds. The spelling words we chose were:

Red Group: hike, kite, time and fire.

Blue Group: prize, white, slide and quite.

Our common words this week are:

then, them, these and so.

As always, please ask if you have any queries either through the homework diary or at the end of the day.

Thursday brings our Christmas Lunch. Please ensure that if you have not returned your child’s lunch slip, that they bring a packed lunch to school. P2 children are entitled for a free school lunch, so please remember that no money is required.

Also Friday is Christmas jumper day, with a suggested donation of £1.

Some of the children’s crafts from the Christmas fayre are in the classroom and children have been told that they can buy them if they wish for 50p.


Miss Grant

W/B 10.12.2018

This will b the last week of formal homework before the Christmas holidays. Spelling, Reading and Maths homework as usual.

There is some craft left over from the school fete. If the children would like to buy their Christmas Tree craft they can bring in 50p this week to buy it.

Friday is Christmas Jumper Day and a £1 donation has been suggested. A letter has been issued today about this.

P2F homework

Hello everyone,

As it is almost time for the Christmas holidays this will be the last homework of 2018. Reading records will be continuing to take place in class until the holidays.


Elf activity sheet.


This week our spelling rule is magic i_e sound.

Red group: smile, prize, bride, spine.

Green group: time, fire, bike, line.

Common words: them, then, these, so.


New books have been issued.

We have an exciting week ahead along side Christmas nativity rehearsals. On Thursday the children have their Christmas lunch. A gentle reminder to return the lunch slip if you wish for your child to  have a Christmas lunch meal, if not could they please bring a packed lunch.  On Friday we have Christmas jumper day with a suggested donation of £1.

Your child’s profile will be sent to you via Email by Friday 14th.

As usual if you have any further questions please ask me at  the end of the day of via the homework diary.

Thank you,

Miss Finnigan.

P2k homework w.b. 10.12.18

Hello everyone,

Not long until the holidays now and as you can probably guess Nativity fever has hit!

This week we also have some fun events coming up.

Thursday brings our Christmas Lunch. Please ensure that if you have not returned your child’s lunch slip, that they bring a packed lunch to school. P2 children are entitled for a free school lunch, so please remember that no money is required.

Also Friday in Christmas jumper day, with a suggested donation of £1.

I would also like to say a personal thank you for everyone’s effort and imagination for our castles home learning task. Our castles were amazing, so much so that everyone from the school popped in for a look! Thank you!

As the holidays are fast approaching, this will be our final week of homework for 2018.

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted


Spelling Sound



Magic e ~ i sound changes to the long vowel sound of ‘ie’.

Spelling –

1.     words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add at least 2 of your own words using the same rule.

2.    One sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Friday of the same week.


Our Spelling Test and Dictation will be on a Friday morning. Results can be seen in the back of your child’s homework jotter.



Maths Activity Thursday of the same week.
Monday Reading – new books given out either weekly or

fortnightly dependent on group.

Friday of the same week.
These homework activities can be completed in any order on any day that you wish.

This table is only for reference as to when each piece of homework will be issued and returned to school.

Please note that reading munch will be every Thursday before break.

Mrs Kane.