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Global Play Day

Yesterday was Global Play Day and I think we can all agree we all had a lot of fun.

It was so nice to see all the children sharing their toys and playing so well. They took turns, shared and showed kindness to one another. I was also challenged to beat them at a few games.

We had some beautiful rainforest themed artwork going on too and some lovely shared reading. It was lovely to see how well everyone worked together.

Burns Assembly

Primary 2 had a great time at the Burns assembly today. We enjoyed hearing all the fantastic Scottish poems and supporting our friends. We also loved being able to sing Sam the Skull to the rest of the assembly. We heard about the life of Robert Burns and sang Auld Lang Syne.

Thank you to all the parents who helped us learn our poems. We really enjoyed it and have loved learning all the Scots words!

Homework w/b 4th February

Good Morning everyone!

Here is our homework for the week ahead:


The children have been issued with their new reading book.


A flower challenge has been issued to the children to revise addition and subtraction.


Our sound this week is ‘ea ’. The spelling words we chose were:

Red Group: eat, meat, tea and leaf.

Blue Group: please, teabag, steam and leaves.

Our common words this week are:

no, way, could and people.

Tommy the Tree Frog has already been home with two children and had a fantastic time at both houses. Thank you for letting him come to stay.

A reminder that Global Play Day is on Wednesday. The children should bring in a toy of their choice that is not electronic.


Miss Grant

P2F Homework 04/2/2019


I hope that you all had a lovely weekend.

We are looking forward to taking part in Global Play Day this week.Your child should bring in a toy, on Wednesday,  which they would like to share with their friends.  No electronic devices or battery operated toys please. We are also very excited for our Robert Burns assembly on Thursday.


New books have been issued.


Flower challenge activity sheet.


This week our spelling rule is ‘ea’ pronounced as long vowel E.

Red group: bleach, beast, teapot, leave.

Green group: meat, leaf, peas, sea.

Common words: no, way, could, people.


Thank you,

Miss Finnigan


We would like to begin using  Loose Parts to enhance our play and learning.  We are keen to develop  our supplies to give the children the opportunity to explore and investigate objects they may not normally play with.  We would be grateful if you could donate any of the following to your child’s class.  All we ask is that they are clean with no sharp edges.  You would be amazed at what the children can produce!

Loose Parts List:

shells, stones, wooden rings, glass beads, corks, bottle tops, buttons, bangles, pine cones, lids, tubs, wicker baskets, pipes, guttering, slices of wood, tubes, fabric, wallpaper, keys, padlocks, feathers, pots, pans, sieves, old cds, cooking utensils, pegs, ice cube trays, sponges, magnets, ribbon, netting………….

As you can see the list is pretty endless!

Loose parts play stimulates imagination and often acts as a catalyst for some of the most exciting play we have the privilege of being part of.

Thank you for your support.

The Primary 2 Team

Fairtrade Fortnight

Dear Parents/Carers,

This year the primary 2’s will be promoting Fairtrade within the school for Fairtrade Fortnight. The children will be learning all about Fairtrade through a range of activities. To support their learning, Fairtrade talks will be delivered by the charity Rainbow Turtle. The children will be running a Fairtrade tuck shop over the Fortnight, at break times, to raise money for the Fairtrade charity.

As part of their learning, we would encourage the children to bake something at home, using Fairtrade ingredients and bring into school on Friday 1st March.  The residents of Erskine care home will be joining us for a Fairtrade afternoon that day. It will be a wonderful opportunity for the children to share their baking, as well as reading stories, playing games and chatting with the residents.

Helpers for our Fairtrade afternoon would be greatly appreciated to assist the children with serving refreshments to the residents. If you are kindly able to assist, please let your child’s class teacher know via the homework diary.


Thank you ,

Miss Finnigan

Primary 2 teacher.

The Rainforest

Hello everyone!

Primary 2F have been very busy learning all about the rainforest. Today we had a very special helper to teach us all about the layers of the rainforest, George the gorilla. Over the next few weeks George will be going on an adventure to visit your home and has asked that the night that he visits if your child could write a diary entry in his adventure book to tell us about all of the exciting thing that he gets up to. Drawings and pictures could also be added.

Primary 2F are very excited about this and can not wait to hear all of stories!



Homework w/b 28/1/19

Good Morning everyone!

Here is our homework for the week ahead:


The children have been issued with their new reading book.


This week we will focus on weight. A heavier and lighter sheet was given out today.


Our sound this week is ‘ay’. The spelling words we chose were:

Red Group: hay, away, May and Friday.

Blue Group: birthday, holiday, Monday and Wednesday.

Our common words this week are:

write, go, see and number.

I enjoyed hearing some Scottish poems today! The children did very well. I am looking forward to hearing the rest tomorrow.


Miss Grant

P2K homework w.b. 28.01.19

Hello everyone,

At the weekend Mrs Kane had a very exciting visitor arrive at her house. Obi the Orangutan has come over from his Rainforest home to help us with our learning. Over the next few weeks Obi will be visiting your homes and go on many exciting adventures. Obi has asked that the night that we have him home, if we could write a diary entry in his jotter, telling all of the exciting things we managed to do together. You could also add some photographs or draw a lovely picture at the top. As this is an extra unexpected – but very exciting – task for our homework, we could leave out 1 other piece of homework for that week to make it easier to complete.

Please also see the grid below for other homework for this week. Again please do not panic if you have had a visit from Obi this week and have not been able to complete other allocated homework. Any questions please feel free to ask the children or Mrs Kane.


Mrs Kane and P2K


Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted


Spelling Sound



Spelling –

1.     Words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add at least 2 of your own words using the same rule.

2.    One sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Friday of the same week.


Our Spelling Test and Dictation will be on a Friday morning. Results can be seen in the back of your child’s homework jotter.

Monday Reading Friday of the same week.
Monday Maths Homework – weight – heavier or lighter. Thursday of the same week.
These homework activities can be completed in any order on any day that you wish.

This table is only for reference as to when each piece of homework will be issued and returned to school.

Please note that reading munch will be every Thursday before break.

Mrs Kane.