Category Archives: Uncategorized

Engineering Cars Project

Today we came to the end of our cars project. Everyone had a fantastic experience and some children said that it had inspired them to become an engineer! Six cars competed to travel furthest and as straight as possible. Creativity of design was also part of the criteria! All the cars did very well but the tiger car was the final winner. Well done to everyone! The children worked very hard and really enjoyed themselves. Thanks to Matthew and Alan, our engineers who helped us make our cars. Thank you also to all parents who sent in items for us to use in our car designs.

Loose Parts

We have been developing our loose parts and creative areas in the classroom! Thank you so much to those parents have already sent in lots of things for us to use! If you have anything lying about like old buttons, pieces of material, junk like milk cartons or kitchen roll holders, shells, pebbles, marbles, sticks then feel free to send them in for us to use.

Thanks again

Miss Grant

House Quiz – Thursday 28th March

This Thursday afternoon we will have our annual House Quiz. To get into the spirit, we would encourage pupils to wear their House colours (see below) to school. This means it will be a non-uniform day but you should wear something to represent your House colours.

Eagles – yellow

Falcons – Blue

Hawks – Green

Ospreys – Red

Homework w/b 25/03/2019


New reading book issued. Try to encourage the children to ask questions about their book using the 5 w’s (who, what, where, when, why).


This week we are focusing on Sumdog however children can still be working on counting on and back in 2s, 5s and 10s.


Each day we will have a slot to go out on bikes and scooters as part of The Big Peddle. It would be helpful for bikes and scooters to be left down in the infant playground each morning as we will mainly be using this playground during the day.

Thursday is our House Quiz so children can wear house colours on this day.

We finish at 2.30pm on Friday. I hope everyone has a lovely holiday.


Homework w/b 25/3/19

Good Afternoon everyone!

Homework will be a little different this week on the run up to the holidays.


  1. A library book of your child’s choosing will be brought home to enjoy. If your child has finished it before Friday, encourage them to bring it back and choose another to enjoy.
  2. Spelling rule this week is ‘or’, however there will be no formal homework on this as it will be done in class time. The words the children chose were: Red  – fork, sport, short and forest, Blue – passport, orphan, fortune and orange.


  1. This week we would like the children to practise their mental maths by logging on to sumdog. A reminder that sumdog passwords are in your child’s homework diaries.

A few reminders:

  • This week is Big Pedal – please park bikes and scooters in the corner outside Miss Finnigan’s classroom.
  • Thursday – House Quiz day – children are encouraged to wear their house colour this day. Good Luck Primary 2!

Miss Grant

P2F Homework

Hello everyone ,

I hope that you had a great weekend!

As it is the last week before the Easter holidays there will be no formal homework.


The children have selected a book from the class library to read for enjoyment.  They are being encouraged to look for ‘or’ words as it is our spelling sound for this week.




Spelling rule: ‘Or’.

This week spelling activities will take place in class.

As always, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask.

Thank you,

Miss Finnigan

P2K homework week beginning 25.03.19

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a lovely weekend.

Homework will be a little different this week on the run up to the holidays.


  1. A library book of your child’s choosing will be brought home to enjoy. If your child has finished it before Friday, encourage them to bring it back and choose another to enjoy.
  2. Spelling rule this week is ‘or’, however there will be no formal homework on this as it will be done in class time.


  1. This week we would like the children to practise their mental maths by logging on to sumdog. A reminder that sumdog passwords are in your child’s homework diaries.

A few reminders:

  • This week is Big Pedal – please park bikes and scooters along the bottom railing in the middle playground.
  • Thursday – House Quiz day – children are encouraged to wear their house colour. Good Luck Primary 2!

Have a lovely holiday everyone! We have worked so hard this term and I am super proud of everything we have achieved. See you all after Easter 🙂

Mrs Kane

Big Pedal

Big Pedal will take place next week (w/b 25th March). P2G should place their bikes on the railings at the corner of Miss Finnigan’s classroom (not along the narrow path). We will get the chance to cycle every day. All children are required to wear a helmet whilst cycling or scooting. Can you please check that your child’s bike is suitable for them i.e. their saddle is at the correct height, handlebars are straight). Thanks 🙂

Miss Grant

Telling the Time

P2G have been learning about telling the time. We learned about o’clock, half past and even challenged ourselves by trying some activities on quarter past and quarter to! We had great fun testing each other and it has been great to see the children referrring to the time more in class.