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P2F Homework 29/04/2019

Hello everyone,

I hope that you all had a great weekend!

Please find the homework for this week below. As we are  back to a five day week, homework is due on Thursday as usual.


Direction activity sheet.


Rule: ‘al’.

Red group: Medal, petal, hospital, capital.

Green group: Talk, walk, wall, fall.

Common words: With, for, they, was.


New books have been issued.

Thank you,

P2F and Miss Finnigan


Gaelic Music Workshop

Today, P2 had great fun taking part in a Gaelic music workshop. We learned some different Gaelic phrases to say how we were, as well as learning about some different instruments including the guitar and the accordion. We had a lovely time singing with our visitors.

The children took a leaflet home detailing summer workshops related to this if you wish to find out more information.

Changing states experiment

Primary 2 have been learning about solids, liquids and gases as part of their science topic.  They enjoyed identifying different things in the classroom as the different types of matter. Today we looked at how matter can change state when a chemical reaction takes place. Each group had their own ice melting experiment to determine what conditions made ice melt the fastest. The different conditions were: salt, warm water, cold water, direct sunlight, use of a radiator and no change. We found out that the bowl of ice that had no change melted the fastest. We believe this was because, due to the sunny day, the classroom held in the heat similar to a greenhouse, causing the ice to melt fast. We had great fun investigating!

Homework w/b 23rd April

Good Afternoon everyone! I hope you all had a lovely Easter.

Here is the homework for this week:


A new book has been issued to each child today.
Spelling rule this week is ‘oy’. The words the children chose were: Red – boy, joy, enjoy and toy. Blue – enjoying, annoyed, royal and destroy. Common words are were, said,  by and not.


This week the children have been given a problem solving activity that relates to their new topic of direction.

The field timetable is now up and running and children will be told each day if it is their day for the field. They can bring in field shoes to wear when on the field which can be kept in their school bag or their PE kit bag.

Also, for masterclass for the next few weeks Mrs Kane will be holding a pebble painting hour to practise fine motor skills, colour mixing, pattern and mindfulness. If you are able to, please allow your child to bring in a smooth pebble large enough to create paint patterns. If you have any extra around it would be greatly appreciated if these were also brought in to share with the other children.


Miss Grant

P2F Homework

Hello everyone,

Please find the homework for this week below. All homework is due for Friday 26th.


New books have been issued.


Direction activity sheet.


Rule: ‘oy’.

Red group: Royal, enjoy, joyful, annoy.

Green: Boy, toy, joy, ahoy.

Common words: Went, other, have, which.

Also, for masterclass for the next few weeks Mrs Kane will be holding a pebble painting hour to practise fine motor skills, colour mixing, pattern and mindfulness. If you are able to, please allow your child to bring in a smooth pebble large enough to create paint patterns. If you have any extra around it would be greatly appreciated if these were also brought in to share with the other children.

Many thanks,

Miss Finnigan

Homework P2K w.b. 22/04/19

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend with the glorious weather!

With the beautiful weather arriving (and hopefully staying) the field is now open for all children to enjoy. A timetable has been shared with the children as to which days they are allocated for both the field and the pitch. If your child wishes to to go on to the field/pitch, please provide them with an alternative pair of comfortable shoes to change into at lunchtime. These will be kept in your child’s schoolbag, as there is limited space in both our classroom and the cloakroom.

Also, for masterclass for the next few weeks I will be holding a pebble painting hour to practise fine motor skills, colour mixing, pattern and mindfulness. If you are able to, please allow your child to bring in a smooth pebble large enough to create paint patterns. If you have any extra around it would be greatly appreciated if these were also brought in to share with the other children.

Please see below for our homework this week. Please note that because of the short week Maths homework is due in on Friday, rather than Thursday.

Many thanks,

Mrs Kane.

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted


Spelling Sound



Spelling –

1.     Words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add at least 2 of your own words using the same rule.

2.    One sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Friday of the same week.


Our Spelling Test and Dictation will be on a Friday morning. Results can be seen in the back of your child’s homework jotter.

Tuesday Reading Friday of the same week.
Tuesday Maths Homework – Position and Direction. Friday of the same week.
These homework activities can be completed in any order on any day that you wish.

This table is only for reference as to when each piece of homework will be issued and returned to school.

Please note that reading munch will be every Thursday before break.

Mrs Kane.

P2F Homework

Hello everyone,

I hope that you all had a fantastic holiday. It was lovely to see the children back today and excited about the learning ahead in term 4.

Please find the homework for this week below.


New books issued.


Rule: ‘oi’.

Red group: Poison, noisy, avoid, pointed.

Green group: Join, boil, coin, soil.

Common words for the upcoming weeks will be tricky words that the children should revise and practice to spell.

Are, then, what, there.


Your child should make a maths game on something that they have learned in maths since joining Primary 2. The games will be kept in class for the children to enjoy during free flow and math sessions, to help them remember previous learning. The game should be handed in on Monday 29th of April.

The game can be as creative as they wish. Here are some suggestions:

  • Card game.
  • Board game.
  • Physical game.

Things we have covered this year:

Addition, subtraction, counting in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, number bonds, shape, measure, symmetry, weight, time, odd and even, diagrams.

Many thanks,

Miss Finnigan

Maths Homework

The children have been given a special maths challenge for homework. We have asked them to think about all the different topics we have covered so far in maths and create an activity to help the class revise this learning (it can focus on one area or a mixture). It could be a quiz, a board game or a card game. We spoke about activities we already play in class and how they could use these ideas. The children have the next 2 weeks to create the game and it will then be kept in class for them to play during maths times. Good luck and I cannot wait to see what ideas the children come up with!

P2K Homework – w.b. 15/04/19

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely and restful holiday.

Term 4 has started off well and we are very exciting to learn lots of new exciting things!

Please see our homework below, noting the difference of submission dates due to the holidays. Maths homework will have a submission date of 2 weeks. Please see information on the letter withing your child’s homework diary, or see below.

I hope you all have a lovely Easter this weekend.

Mrs Kane.

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted


Spelling Sound



Spelling –

1.     Words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add at least 2 of your own words using the same rule.

2.    One sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Thursday of the same week.


Our Spelling Test and Dictation will be on a Friday morning. Results can be seen in the back of your child’s homework jotter.

Tuesday (to allow running records to be completed) Reading Thursday of the same week.
Monday Maths Homework – maths game (see extra sheet in homework diary/on blog) Monday 29th April 2019.
These homework activities can be completed in any order on any day that you wish.

This table is only for reference as to when each piece of homework will be issued and returned to school.

Please note that reading munch will be every Thursday before break.

Mrs Kane.

15/04/2019                             Maths Homework


Your child should make a maths game on something that they have learned in maths since joining Primary 2. The games will be kept in class for the children to enjoy during free flow and math sessions, to help them remember previous learning. The game should be handed in on Monday 29th of April.

The game can be as creative as they wish. Here are some suggestions:

  • Card game.
  • Board game.
  • Physical game.

Things we have covered this year:

Addition, subtraction, counting in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, number bonds, shape, measure, symmetry, weight, time, odd and even, diagrams.

Many thanks,

Primary 2 teachers.

Homework w/b 15/4/19

Good Afternoon everyone! I hope you all had a restful holiday.

Here is the homework for this week:


  1. A new book has been issued to each child today.
  2. Spelling rule this week is ‘oi’,  The words the children chose were: Red  – coins, oink, boil and oil. Blue – tinfoil, voice, noise and toilet.


  1. This week the children have been given a little challenge. I have explained that as we are on holiday on Friday that this challenge does not need to be finished this week. This has been given to them to take home however I will also post it here: 

    Your child should make a maths game on something that they have learned in maths since joining Primary 2. The games will be kept in class for the children to enjoy during free flow and math sessions, to help them remember previous learning. The game should be handed in on Monday 29th of April.

    The game can be as creative as they wish. Here are some suggestions:

    • Card game.
    • Board game.
    • Physical game.

    Things we have covered this year:

    Addition, subtraction, counting in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, number bonds, shape, measure, symmetry, weight, time, odd and even, diagrams.

    Many thanks,

    Primary 2 teachers.


Miss Grant