All posts by Mrs Kane

Primary 2 open afternoon!

Hello everyone!

Primary 2 cordially invite you all to join us for our Open Afternoon on Friday 21st June at 2pm-3pm, where we will be celebrating our learning of ‘The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch’. As much as we would love you all to attend, unfortunately due to limited space within the classrooms, we please kindly ask that only 1 visitor per child comes along.

We look forward to seeing you all there,

Primary 2! 🙂

P2K homework w.b. 27/5/19

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely long and restful weekend. Please see this weeks homework attached below.

Please check the P2 blog which asks for you help to gather food packaging for our learning about a balanced an healthy diet. Please hand these in to  your child’s class teacher, thank you.

Also a reminder that this week is Sports day, with the hope that it can take place tomorrow (29/5/19). Our time for Sports day races on the ROF field is timetabled as 11:00 – 12:00.

Hopefully see you all there…especially in the parents race! 🙂

Thank you,

Mrs Kane.

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted


Spelling Sound



Spelling –

1.     Words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add at least 2 of your own words using the same rule.

2.    One sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Friday of the same week.


Our Spelling Test and Dictation will be on a Friday morning. Results can be seen in the back of your child’s homework jotter.

Tuesday Reading Friday of the same week.
Tuesday Maths Homework –

ml and l

Friday of the same week.
These homework activities can be completed in any order on any day that you wish.

This table is only for reference as to when each piece of homework will be issued and returned to school.

Please note that reading munch will be every Thursday before break.

Mrs Kane.



P2K and P3W Read and Munch

Hello everyone,

Just a reminder that Primary 1 are holding a bake sale tomorrow, with the cakes ranging from 20p to £1. If you wish your child to buy a cake, please send them with money tomorrow (23rd May).

Your child will be given time to eat their cake during Read and Munch, however please also send in a healthy snack if you wish.

Many thanks,

Mrs Kane and Mr Wormald.

P2K Homework

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely weekend. I am looking forward to meeting you all again at parents evening this week.

Please see this week’s homework below.

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted


Spelling Sound



Spelling –

1.     Words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add at least 2 of your own words using the same rule.

2.    One sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Thursday of the same week.


Our Spelling Test and Dictation will be on a Friday morning. Results can be seen in the back of your child’s homework jotter.

Monday Reading Thursday of the same week.
Monday Maths Homework – sets of. Thursday of the same week.
These homework activities can be completed in any order on any day that you wish.

This table is only for reference as to when each piece of homework will be issued and returned to school.

Please note that reading munch will be every Thursday before break.

Mrs Kane.

P2K homework w.b. 13/05/19

Hello everyone,

I hope you are all well.

Today your child has been issued with their parents evening appointment. Attached to the appointment is a parent and pupil response sheet to be filled in and returned no later than Friday 17th May. This response sheet will help with the structure of our appointment and ensure that the most important information is being discussed.

Please check your child’s bag for other letters, as there are some important ones about the new school phone number and our new pay system.

Please see this weeks homework below.

Mrs Kane 🙂

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted


Spelling Sound



Spelling –

1.     Words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add at least 2 of your own words using the same rule.

2.    One sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Friday of the same week.


Our Spelling Test and Dictation will be on a Friday morning. Results can be seen in the back of your child’s homework jotter.

Monday Reading Friday of the same week.
Monday Maths Homework – doubles Thursday of the same week.
These homework activities can be completed in any order on any day that you wish.

This table is only for reference as to when each piece of homework will be issued and returned to school.

Please note that reading munch will be every Thursday before break.

Mrs Kane.

Homework P2K w.b. 22/04/19

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely Easter weekend with the glorious weather!

With the beautiful weather arriving (and hopefully staying) the field is now open for all children to enjoy. A timetable has been shared with the children as to which days they are allocated for both the field and the pitch. If your child wishes to to go on to the field/pitch, please provide them with an alternative pair of comfortable shoes to change into at lunchtime. These will be kept in your child’s schoolbag, as there is limited space in both our classroom and the cloakroom.

Also, for masterclass for the next few weeks I will be holding a pebble painting hour to practise fine motor skills, colour mixing, pattern and mindfulness. If you are able to, please allow your child to bring in a smooth pebble large enough to create paint patterns. If you have any extra around it would be greatly appreciated if these were also brought in to share with the other children.

Please see below for our homework this week. Please note that because of the short week Maths homework is due in on Friday, rather than Thursday.

Many thanks,

Mrs Kane.

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted


Spelling Sound



Spelling –

1.     Words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add at least 2 of your own words using the same rule.

2.    One sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Friday of the same week.


Our Spelling Test and Dictation will be on a Friday morning. Results can be seen in the back of your child’s homework jotter.

Tuesday Reading Friday of the same week.
Tuesday Maths Homework – Position and Direction. Friday of the same week.
These homework activities can be completed in any order on any day that you wish.

This table is only for reference as to when each piece of homework will be issued and returned to school.

Please note that reading munch will be every Thursday before break.

Mrs Kane.

P2K Homework – w.b. 15/04/19

Hello everyone,

I hope you all had a lovely and restful holiday.

Term 4 has started off well and we are very exciting to learn lots of new exciting things!

Please see our homework below, noting the difference of submission dates due to the holidays. Maths homework will have a submission date of 2 weeks. Please see information on the letter withing your child’s homework diary, or see below.

I hope you all have a lovely Easter this weekend.

Mrs Kane.

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted


Spelling Sound



Spelling –

1.     Words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add at least 2 of your own words using the same rule.

2.    One sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Thursday of the same week.


Our Spelling Test and Dictation will be on a Friday morning. Results can be seen in the back of your child’s homework jotter.

Tuesday (to allow running records to be completed) Reading Thursday of the same week.
Monday Maths Homework – maths game (see extra sheet in homework diary/on blog) Monday 29th April 2019.
These homework activities can be completed in any order on any day that you wish.

This table is only for reference as to when each piece of homework will be issued and returned to school.

Please note that reading munch will be every Thursday before break.

Mrs Kane.

15/04/2019                             Maths Homework


Your child should make a maths game on something that they have learned in maths since joining Primary 2. The games will be kept in class for the children to enjoy during free flow and math sessions, to help them remember previous learning. The game should be handed in on Monday 29th of April.

The game can be as creative as they wish. Here are some suggestions:

  • Card game.
  • Board game.
  • Physical game.

Things we have covered this year:

Addition, subtraction, counting in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, number bonds, shape, measure, symmetry, weight, time, odd and even, diagrams.

Many thanks,

Primary 2 teachers.

P2K homework week beginning 25.03.19

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a lovely weekend.

Homework will be a little different this week on the run up to the holidays.


  1. A library book of your child’s choosing will be brought home to enjoy. If your child has finished it before Friday, encourage them to bring it back and choose another to enjoy.
  2. Spelling rule this week is ‘or’, however there will be no formal homework on this as it will be done in class time.


  1. This week we would like the children to practise their mental maths by logging on to sumdog. A reminder that sumdog passwords are in your child’s homework diaries.

A few reminders:

  • This week is Big Pedal – please park bikes and scooters along the bottom railing in the middle playground.
  • Thursday – House Quiz day – children are encouraged to wear their house colour. Good Luck Primary 2!

Have a lovely holiday everyone! We have worked so hard this term and I am super proud of everything we have achieved. See you all after Easter 🙂

Mrs Kane

P2k Homework w.b. 18/03/19

Hello everyone.

I hope you had a lovely and relaxing weekend.

A few notes to add to homework this week. Please find the information below:

  1. Big Pedal – Starts the week beginning 25.03.18. If your child is able to, please allow them to bring a bike or scooter to school everyday. If your child is bringing a bike they must be wearing a helmet; however it is ok and encouraged for your child to wear a helmet on their scooter also, however this is not essential.  P2K should park their bikes and scooters against the fence in the middle playground, just at the top of the infant stairs where we enter the building (the children have been informed and know where this is). This is to stop overcrowding of the infant playground for safety and also to allow P2K to have their daily cycle/scoot in the middle playground each day. If it is at all possible please allow your child to enter the school through the middle gate at the path, to allow them to easily walk through the playground with their bike/scooter before and after school. We ask that you please do not walk up and down the stairs with bikes and scooters for everyone’s safety. Thank you.
  2. Mrs Hughes music – Mrs Hughes has asked that if you have any recyclable materials that could be used for making musical instruments i.e. milk cartons, kitchen roll tubes etc be brought into school for Tuesday 26th March. Thank you.

Maths homework this week is forwards and backwards counting in 10’s to 100. I have spoken to the children and offered for them to take home a 100 square to help. If you feel this would help at home, please let me know and I will get one to you.

Have a lovely week,

Mrs Kane.

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted


Spelling Sound



Spelling –

1.     Words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add at least 2 of your own words using the same rule.

2.    One sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Friday of the same week.


Our Spelling Test and Dictation will be on a Friday morning. Results can be seen in the back of your child’s homework jotter.

Monday Reading Friday of the same week.
Monday Maths Homework – counting forwards and backwards in 10’s. Thursday of the same week.
These homework activities can be completed in any order on any day that you wish.

This table is only for reference as to when each piece of homework will be issued and returned to school.

Please note that reading munch will be every Thursday before break.

Mrs Kane.

P2K homework w.b. 11/3/19

Hello everyone,

I hope you had a lovely weekend.

Please see this weeks homework below.

Thank you,

Mrs Kane

Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted


Spelling Sound


‘ew’ for the sound ‘ue’ and ‘oo’.

Spelling –

1.     Words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add at least 2 of your own words using the same rule.

2.    One sentence, using words from that week’s list.

Friday of the same week.


Our Spelling Test and Dictation will be on a Friday morning. Results can be seen in the back of your child’s homework jotter.

Monday Reading Friday of the same week.
Monday Maths Homework – making 20 Thursday of the same week.
These homework activities can be completed in any order on any day that you wish.

This table is only for reference as to when each piece of homework will be issued and returned to school.

Please note that reading munch will be every Thursday before break.

Mrs Kane.