All posts by gw07fultonrachel01@glow

P2R extra news

Today we have been learning how to add on 10 to a number.  we looked at changing the tens digit by 1 and using the 100 square method.  Maths homework this week is a follow up to this.  Some children completed the adding 10 task in class today and some will do it tomorrow.  As such some pupils may prefer to complete the maths homework from tomorrow to give themselves more practise time in class.  This game can also be played to practise.

This week we will have ERIC (everyone reading in class) time on Tuesday and read and munch on Friday.  Pupils can bring in books if they wish, or use class books.

Thank you

Mrs Fulton

P2R wk beg 08.01.18

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year.  The children all settled in well last week and we are looking forward to a hardworking and fun term.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling – This week we will have a common word revision week.  These are words that we commonly use and see in our writing and reading.  These are all words we have looked at before in Primary 2.  Next week we will move on to Magic e words and continue our common words also.

Reading – New reading books out this week.  This term we will be mixing our core reading books with some Big Cat reading books which are a mixture of fiction and non fiction books.

Wordwalls – New wordwalls out this week.  These will be checked next Thursday.

Maths – This week we will be looking at adding 10 on to a number using our Tens and Units knowledge and/ or the 100 square.


This month we will be taking part in Scottish culture month.  This week your child will be given a selection of Scottish poems.  They should pick one and try their best to learn this.  They will all be required to recite their poem in class by the end of the month.  (dates to follow)Those that are wishing to, may be entered into the school competition and recite their poems in other classes.  One winner will be chosen to represent our class in the Scottish Culture assembly at the end of the month.  More details to follow this week.

We will also be starting our new topic this week which will be Katie Morag.  Through this topic, we will be looking at Scottish culture, landscapes and physical features of islands, Scottish foods and technology, drama and dance.  We will also be covering imaginative writing looking at setting, character and plot.  This is a great topic and we cant wait to get started.

Have a great week and thanks as always for your continued support.

Mrs Fulton/Mrs MacKEnzie

P2R wk beg 18.12.17

I hope you all had a good weekend.  News as follows:

No formal homework this week.  Children can practise some maths concepts if they wish using the following link –

Language games –


The children did so well in their Christmas Nativity last week and all played the instruments so well.  Well done!!

Pupils all completed their reading task in class last week.  We enjoyed hearing about their books and what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story.

No show and tell check in this week.

On Tuesday 19th December, this week we will have our P2 Christmas party.  We may also have a visit from a special someone!!!  Children can come to school wearing their party clothes but please ensure your child has suitable shoes and warm jacket for outdoor play.

On Wednesday, our last day before the holidays, the children may bring in a small toy to play with.

There are still some Christmas fair decorations available to buy for £1 if you did not manage to get to the fair.

School closes at 2:30 on Wednesday 20th December.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your support and help so far this year, and wish you all a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.

Mrs Fulton

P2R wk beg 11.12.17

I hope you all enjoyed the cold and frosty weekend!!  News and Homework as follows:


Reading books will be given out on Monday.  We have been working on looking at the beginning, middle and end of stories.  On Thursday the children will be given a chance to tell the class about a story.  They will tell us what happened at the beginning, middle and end of the story.   The can also tell us their favourite part or favourite character and why. This could be their class reading book or a book of their choice.  They will be given time on Monday and Tuesday to choose a book if they wish.

Please continue to revise the wordwalls.  A new wordwall will be given out in the New year.

No spelling as we are revising our common words in class.

No maths homework this week


This week we will have our infant assemblies.  Details can be found on your tickets.  Please remember the children should wear a shirt and tie on the day of their performance. They can wear a Christmas accessory if they wish e.g a santa hat.

Christmas jumper day is on Friday 15th December.  The children can wear their Christmas jumpers to school.  A donation can be made to Save the children that day if possible.  The children can also take part in a design the jumper competition for 20p.  Jumper design sheets will be given out tomorrow if they wish to take part.  Entries should be handed by Thursday so that the winners can be chosen.

Christmas lunch is on Friday 15th December.  All orders have been taken and given to to the dinner ladies.  Remember Primary 2 do not need to pay for this as P1-3 are all entitled to free lunches.

Have a great week and we look forward to performing for you this week.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie

P2R Christmas show information

The children have been practising their songs and instruments all week.  On the day of the Nativity show (Wednesday 13th Dec for most)  the children can come in to school in Christmassy clothes.  This could be smart party clothes, Christmas jumpers or just bright colourful clothes.  The children can wear Santa hats etc too if they like.  The children can wear these clothes for the rest of the day after the performance.  A letter detailing this will also be sent out tomorrow with the day of your child’s performance.  We look forward to performing for you.

Thank you

Mrs Fulton

P2R local community walk

Weather permitting this walk is still going ahead.  The children will leave school at 10:45 and return for lunch.  Please ensure your child has a waterproof jacket and wellies if possible.  If the weather is too bad, we will postpone until next week.  A decision will be made in the morning.

Thank you

Mrs Fulton