Homework w/b 1/11/21

Hello, P2.

Hope you all had a lovely fun filled weekend and are ready for another exciting week of learning. Please find the homework for this week below. This should be returned on Friday for your teacher to mark.


In class, you will have learned the spelling rule ‘’ss/zz.”

The following videos will help you further explore our spelling rule.


Please copy the spelling rule and common words into your homework jotter, two further times.

  1. buzz
  2. cross
  3. miss
  4. fizz
  5. when
  6. your
  7. can
  8. said

We would also like you to create a sentence of your own. Your sentence should include at least one or more of the spelling rule words. If you would like to add more challenge, why not try to grow your words or think of other words which follow the same spelling rule. Take inspiration from everyday experiences and the world around us. Here is a example below.

  1. When I feel cross I know I can speak to my mum for help.

Shoot/grow word examples:

  1. miss – missing, missed
  2. fizz – fizzy


The maths homework grid should be attached to your homework assignment. Only one activity a week should be completed.


Your child has been issued a new book to read at home. Please can you put your child’s reading book in their bag each day for reading practice in class. Many thanks.

Please remember to ask if you are unsure of anything before Friday. Enjoy the rest of your week.