Primary Two Homework Wk. Beg. 27th Jan

Please see homework and weekly notes below.

Primary 2 notes:

  • Maths homework grid – A reminder that one activity should be completed per week. Please support or challenge your child as you see fit.
  • Birthdays – We have been learning about the months of the year in French, and have been singing along to a French birthday song.  We have gone over when everyone’s birthday is but some children are still a little unsure.  It would be greatly appreciated if you could help your child with this at home by checking they know when their birthday is.  Many thanks.
  • Scottish Poems – Our Scottish assembly is fast approaching and we are looking forward to hearing the children recite their poem at some point this week.
  • Shoe box donations – Thank you so much for all of your kind donations of shoe boxes. We still require quite a few more per class and ask that you continue to send these in if you can.  Could you please ensure that the shoe boxes you hand in have a completely removable lid. This is to allow us to secure these to the bottom of the box, allowing  a sturdy piece of cardboard for us to put the wheel axis through.
Day Homework Issued Homework Task Day Homework Submitted
Monday– Spelling Sound –  ‘ea’ sounding eeSpelling Words:

  1. leaf
  2. clean
  3. teach
  4. cheat
  5.  no
  6. way
  7. could
  8. people
Spelling – words will be shared on the Primary 2 Blog, weekly.1.        words to be written out twice, neatly.  Add as many of your own words using the words given. Eg. Chop – chops, chopping, chopped, chopsticks

2.  One or two sentences, using words from that week’s list.


Thursday of the same week. 

Please encourage your child to use a capital letter and full stop in their sentence.

Monday Maths grid – 1 activity per week Friday of the same week.
Monday Reading – new books given out. Friday of the same week.

Thank you for your continued support. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher.

Kind regards,

The Primary 2 Teaching Team.