P2F Homework

Hello everyone,

I hope that you all had a fantastic holiday. It was lovely to see the children back today and excited about the learning ahead in term 4.

Please find the homework for this week below.


New books issued.


Rule: ‘oi’.

Red group: Poison, noisy, avoid, pointed.

Green group: Join, boil, coin, soil.

Common words for the upcoming weeks will be tricky words that the children should revise and practice to spell.

Are, then, what, there.


Your child should make a maths game on something that they have learned in maths since joining Primary 2. The games will be kept in class for the children to enjoy during free flow and math sessions, to help them remember previous learning. The game should be handed in on Monday 29th of April.

The game can be as creative as they wish. Here are some suggestions:

  • Card game.
  • Board game.
  • Physical game.

Things we have covered this year:

Addition, subtraction, counting in 2’s, 5’s, 10’s, number bonds, shape, measure, symmetry, weight, time, odd and even, diagrams.

Many thanks,

Miss Finnigan