Dear Parents/Carers,
This year the primary 2’s will be promoting Fairtrade within the school for Fairtrade Fortnight. The children will be learning all about Fairtrade through a range of activities. To support their learning, Fairtrade talks will be delivered by the charity Rainbow Turtle. The children will be running a Fairtrade tuck shop over the Fortnight, at break times, to raise money for the Fairtrade charity.
As part of their learning, we would encourage the children to bake something at home, using Fairtrade ingredients and bring into school on Friday 1st March. The residents of Erskine care home will be joining us for a Fairtrade afternoon that day. It will be a wonderful opportunity for the children to share their baking, as well as reading stories, playing games and chatting with the residents.
Helpers for our Fairtrade afternoon would be greatly appreciated to assist the children with serving refreshments to the residents. If you are kindly able to assist, please let your child’s class teacher know via the homework diary.
Thank you ,
Miss Finnigan
Primary 2 teacher.