Homework w/b 27/8/18

Good afternoon! Here is our homework for the week ahead:


Each child has been given a new school reading book to read aloud and discuss this week. These will be collected in on Friday.

Word Walls have also been issued this week. Children will have this word wall until they are confident reading all of the words.


This week we are looking at 2D shape. The homework sheet is all based around 2D shapes. The sheet should be completed and handed back by Thursday.


We discussed the sound ‘ch’ today and came up with some fantastic words! The spelling words we chose were:

church, chick, chocolate and children.

Our four common words this week are:

to, in, as and you.

I have glued a spelling homework breakdown at the front of the homework jotters as a suggestion of how spelling homework might be completed. Of course, do what is best for yourself and your child.

Please remind children to hand in any letters they may have in the mornings along with their diary.

Miss Grant