P2R wk beg 18.06.18

Good evening, I hope you all had a great weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


Reading – new reading books out this week.  Running records will be continuing to be carried out this week for reading levels for Primary 3.

Spelling – please look at the first 100 words that the children were given last week.  The highlighted words were ones the children found tricky.

Animal factfile homework – We will be hearing these presentations on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday this week.

Assembly words – keep practising these for Wednesday.


Our Primary 2 assembly is on Wednesday 20th June this week.  It starts at 11am.  A letter went out on Friday to say that pupils should wear summer clothes for the assembly on Wednesday.  This can be shorts and t- shirts/ summer dresses etc.  These clothes should be brought into school on Wednesday morning in a plastic bag marked with your child’s name.  The children will change into these clothes before the assembly and change back into their uniforms after the assembly has taken place.  We can’t wait to perform for you all.

The children’s learning journey evidence app has been emailed home.   Please check to make sure you received it.  If not pop a note in the diary with your current email and I will send this to you as soon as possible.  I hope you enjoy looking at all of the work from this half of the school year.

This week we will be evaluating our targets from our booklets.  These will be sent back home for you to see.

This week the children will start to bring home their work.  If possible, children should bring in a plastic bag for this work.  Thank you in advance.

Falcons have an own clothes day on Friday 22nd June for having the most house points.

Have a great week and thank you for all of your support.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie