Week Beg 04.06.18

Evening everyone! I hope you have had lovely weekend. Please see below for homework, news and class updates.

Spelling – our sound this week is ‘or’ as in horse and for.

Reading – reading books will be given out this week. Read and munch will be on Thursday.

Maths – As we are nearing the end of Primary 2 I will begin to give out revision tasks as homework. These will focus on number work, tens and units amd a variety of topics we have covered across the year.

Factfile – for our last large piece of homework this term children should complete a factfile on an African animal of their choice. More information will come home tomorrow.


Class trip: On Tuesday we will visit Calderglen Park as part of our topic on Africa. Children should wear their red Bishopton Primary polo shirt and their own choice of trousers/shorts/leggings. As the majority of the day will be outdoors and active, I would ask that all pupils please wear comfy clothing and shoes.

Packed lunches should be in plastic bags. We have worked so hard this term and cannot wait to see the animals and play some outdoor games!

Sustainable Africa Day: On June 12th we will host Sustainable Africa day across the Primary 2 classes. Pupils from P2C have designed their own games and, having spent some time this weekend road testing the protypes, I think we are in for a great day! If you have any used jam jars, cereal boxes or other cardboard or recycled products, please continue to send them our way!

Have a brilliant week and as always, thank you for your invaluable support!

Miss Cauley