Week beginning 26th March

Good evening everyone,

News for the last week of term!


‘Oor Grandparents’ projects are due tomorrow.

As it is the last week of term, there will be no homework. I will send homework diaries and book bags home this week and it would be great if you could have a look through your child’s book bag for any letters, books, etc. that need taken out. I will send PE kits home on Thursday after our final PE session.


We hope you are looking forward to visiting our classrooms on Tuesday. We will be starting our open afternoon at 2pm and we ask that you wait outside my firedoor until we are ready for you. We will be performing with the other P2 classes and then you will have an opportunity to go around each classroom and see a few things we have been learning about this term. Make sure you have your dancing shoes on for P2B’s classroom!

Thank you for all of your support this term.

Miss B