Wk Beg 27.11.17

I hope you have all enjoyed your weekend. Today in class we learned about estimation and also discussed what happened at the beginning, middle and end of our reading books.

Please see below for homework and other class news.


As our working week is a little shorter there will be no new spelling words issued. Please feel free to play games to revise words and sounds – there is a link below to help you.


Reading books will not be issued this week as children have been working to sequence the events in their current reading book. Please feel free to read for pleasure at home as we continue to discuss our likes, dislikes and puzzles in class at storytelling time.

Maths: We have been learning how to count in 10s, 5s and 2s – these skills help us to identify tens and units. They are also useful for discussing odd and even numbers. There is a short sheet to complete. You can also play Sumdog at home.


There is no school on Thursday 30th November as it is St Andrews day.

Christmas house art day is on Friday 1st December. This year our theme is Christmas carols.  Pupils should wear their house colours –

Hawks (green)

Falcons (blue)

Eagles (yellow or gold)

Ospreys (red)

The children will be using lots of art materials including glue, paint and drawing materials.  It’s going to be a lot of fun but please don’t wear your best clothes as it can get a little messy!

The school fair will take place this Saturday (2nd December) in the school between 1pm and 3pm.

Primary 2C will be joining the other Primary 2 classes for a local community walk on Friday 8th December. This is to investigate our local environment and complete our Stickman topic.

If you are able to accompany us between 9am and 10:30am on this day please pop a note in your child’s diary and I will give you some more information.

A reminder that the short read, write count event takes place on Tuesday afternoon.

Thank you for your continued support and have a lovely week ahead,

Miss Cauley