Hello all, I hope you had a lovely weekend.
This week our spelling sound is ‘ck’ as in ‘duck’ or ‘sock’. I was impressed with some of the words the children came up with in class.
Maths- practicing some more mental maths sums. The children are getting so good at their subtraction calculations!
Reading books have been issued. Can I just remind you that these books need to be treated with care, as some books have been known already to loose their pages! Please continue to ask about the beginning/middle/end of the books with your child.
Primary 2 had a great day fundraising for Children In Need last week and the school managed to raise a whopping £663.78! (Some photos to follow).
We have also started practicing our songs for the school Nativity. I am so impressed with the wonderful performers we have in P2B! Let me know if you have not received a letter with the date of your child’s performance.
Our focus in maths this week is ‘greater than’, ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’ we started looking at this yesterday and already it looks like we’ve got it! However, here is a neat video to help your child remember the rule: Charlie, the hungry crocodile, wants to eat the BIGGEST number!
Thanks for all your continued support.
Miss B