P2R wk beg 20.11.17

I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.  Homework and news as follows:


Spelling sound this week is ck as in duck and luck.

Reading books continue.

New wordwalls will be out on Monday.

Maths homework will be looking at greater than, less than and equal to signs when comparing numbers.  < =>


The children are enjoying their Stickman topic.  Last week we looked at the importance of protecting our forest areas and local environment.   The children will also be learning about nouns and adjectives, making wrapping paper designs by printing and participating in drama activities around the Stickman book.

Flu vaccinations are planned for Thursday.

We have also started practising for the Christmas Nativity.  The Primary 2s will be singing in the Nativity.  A letter has been sent home with the date of the show in December.  If you have not received this letter please pop a note in the diary and I will let you know the date.

Have a great week.

Mrs Fulton/ Mrs MacKenzie