Week beginning 04/09

Good evening!

I hope you all had a lovely, relaxed weekend.

Homework was issued today. Our spelling rule this week is ‘th’. Please remind your child to make sure they are using their best handwriting for homework.

Each child also has a reading book; please don’t worry if they appear too easy/difficult, I am still in the process of completing reading records. Hopefully these will be completed by the end of the week so that the children can have texts of the appropriate level next week. Thank you for your patience! Children should be reading a little bit every night and practicing their word walls words.

Last week P2B made rain shakers as part of our rainforest topic. The children enjoyed discussing the sounds we would hear in the rainforest, creating their rain shakers and having a dance to rain forest music. It was great fun! Thanks to everyone who brought water bottles in, we even had spares at the end of the lesson! The children will also be learning about rainforest plants and endangered animals over the next couple of weeks!

Tomorrow, the children will enjoy a theatre performance in the morning at school, followed by an active music session from NYCoS. It’s going to be a great day!

We have also teamed up with P5D for our read and munch sessions and we hope to keep this up every Friday.

I hope you all have as enjoyable a week as P2B is going to have!

Miss Bachell/Mr Collins