

Welcome to our website.  Our Vision, Values and Motto are here. Our Head Teacher’s Welcome message here. Please follow the menu links to ‘Classes’ for details of your child’s teacher(s), PE days and curricular information for this Term. Under the ‘Home Activities’ tab parents can find links to Education Scotland and other educational sites.  Our School telephone number is 0300-300-0166. Our school day begins at 9.00am and closes at 3.00pm. Our School Handbook (pdf) can be viewed here.

We post regular updates for you regarding school information, so please keep checking in to our website and scroll down to check for new posts:

21/3/25 CEOP have launched a campaign to combat the threat posed to teenage boys by financially motivated sexual extortion – a type of online blackmail widely known as ‘sextortion’ – full guidance about “The internet, relationships & you” can be found here.

1/3/25 School Newsletter for March  here.

24/2/25 On Thursday 6th March we will be celebrating World Book Day at Langcraigs – full details here.

6/2/25 Langcraigs Parent Council have organised a Valentines Disco to be held in the school gym hall on Thursday 13th February – full details here.

1/2/25 February’s School Newsletter here.

22/1/25 Term 2 and 3’s calendar of exciting Eco-events can be found here.

13/1/25 Term 2 Curriculum Information sheets for each class will be emailed to parent/carers today, and can be found under the ‘Classes’ tab above, too.

4/12/24 School Newsletter for December here.

22/11/24 Christmas Fayre Rota Letter – full details and all the class and other timings for our School Fayre on Friday 29th November here.

8/11/24 Renfrewshire School Holiday calendar for 2025-26 here.

4/11/24 November’s School Newsletter here.

25/10/24 Christmas Fayre Donations! Our Christmas Fayre will take place on Friday 29th November at 1.15pm – full details here. Over the years, this has been a very well attended and fun filled afternoon.  In order for us to make it another successful event, we would be really grateful if your child could bring donations of Toys/Teddies/Children’s Books, Chocolate, a mug filled with something of your choice (e.g. sweets, etc.) – see here for which items and which dates, thank you.

Friday 22nd November Bottles (Donations of alcohol should be brought in by parents)

Friday 29th November Home Baking

on the dates provided.

23/10/24 We are having a Hallowe’en Disco on Wednesday 30th October 2024 (P1 to P3: 5.30pm – 6.45pm and P4 to P7: 7.00pm – 8.15pm).  Full details (and a form for willing parent helpers) can be found here.

7/10/24 The Rev Shaw visited the School today and took part at our Monday assembly. Her church at Paisley St George’s in Causeyside Street is running their next ‘Messy Church’ (arts & crafts and fun for all ages) on Sunday 20th October and details can be found here.

26/9/24 School Newsletter for October here. We hope everyone has a very enjoyable holiday weekend, and look forward to seeing everyone back to school at 9.00am on Tuesday 1st October!

18/9/24 Gleniffer High are hosting an Open Evening for P7 pupils looking to move to S1 in August 2025, on Wednesday 25th September 2024 at 6pm. Full info here. Please make every effort to attend this important first step on the P7/S1 transition journey.

12/9/24 Updated Summary School Improvement Plan for 2024-25 here.

29/8/24 September School Newsletter here.

23/8/24 Renfrewshire Council’s Advice Works team is offering free, friendly, confidential and impartial advice for families – including but not limited to money, debt, budgeting and benefits. Find out more here.

20/8/24 Our 2024-25 School Handbook is now available to view under the ‘Information’ tab above, and also here.

16/8/24 Welcome back to school! Thank you to parent/carers for the very smart looking pupils who returned this morning. Mr Maclean and all the staff wish you a hard-working, happy and successful 2024-25 session! Details of classes, teachers and PE days to be found under the ‘Classes’ drop down menu above.

27/6/24 In the words of Alice Cooper, “School’s out for summer…” but not forever, we hope! We look forward to seeing everyone back in August (Staff on 14th and 15th August, and pupils return to school on Friday 16th August at 9.00am). Full holiday details and school menus are available under the information tab above. If any school-related issues arise over the holidays you are advised to phone Renfrewshire Council on 0300 300 0300. We wish everyone connected with Langcraigs a happy, safe and pleasant holiday!

11/6/24 The school’s standard lunch menu for 2024-25 becomes effective from Monday 17th June 2024. It can be viewed here. The 3-weekly school menu cycle for 2024-25 can be viewed here.
These files, and the full 2024-25 Primary School lunch menu pack with Gluten Free, Dairy Free and Egg Free menus and all lunch recipes can be viewed by clicking on the ‘Information’ tab, above, and scrolling down to the links provided.

3/6/24 School Newsletter for June 2024 here.

29/5/24 Langcraigs Parent Council have organised a Summer Disco to be held on Thursday 6th June (P1 – P3: 5.30pm – 6.45pm, and P4 – P7: 7.00pm – 8.15pm). Tickets £2.50 – full details here.

23/5/24 Just a little reminder that the school closes today (Thursday) at 3pm and re-opens after the holiday weekend on Tuesday 28th May, at 9.00am – P6 pupils are to arrive at 8.45am if possible, so they can depart promptly for the ‘Safe Kids’ event that day.

3/6/24 School Newsletter for June 2024 here.

16/5/24 This year’s Health Week will take place from Monday 20th to Thursday 23rd May. We have a variety of activities planned which we hope will be enjoyed by all the children. Full details here.

3/5/24 May’s School Newsletter here.

18/4/24 Family wellbeing drop-in sessions starting 24th April, all details here.

15/4/24 Letter here for parent/carers of P7 pupils who will be attending Gleniffer High School from August 2024. Details are provided about an Information Evening on Thursday 25th April at 6:30pm and Transition days in May.

28/3/24 April School Newsletter here.

27/3/24 Just a reminder that school closes at 2.30pm on Thursday 28th March and re-opens for pupils and staff on Monday 15th April for Term 3. We wish everyone a very happy Easter and hope you have a safe and enjoyable holiday.

21/3/24 Here is the link to NHS Inform’s webpage about Whooping Cough, as per the text sent to parent/carers by the school office.

19/3/24 Tomorrow we have our Parents’ Open Afternoon – on Wednesday 20th March (1.30pm-2.45pm) parent/carers will have the opportunity to come into the school and spend some time with their child to discuss their work, look at their jotters and see around their classroom and the corridors to look at artwork, etc..  This is a drop in event, so feel free to come in at any time between 1.30pm – 2.45pm (pupils must wait until 3.00pm for dismissal at the end of the normal school day).

1/3/24 School Newsletter for March 2024 here.

1/2/24 School Newsletter for February 2024 here.

22/12/23 School closes at 2.30pm today and will reopen on Monday 8th January for staff and pupils.  Thank you for all the pupils’ hard work during 2023, and the generous support of parents and carers. May we wish all our pupils and families a very Merry Christmas, and good health, happiness and success in the year ahead.

4/12/23 School Newsletter December 2023 here.

24/11/23 We look forward to seeing you all at the School Fayre on Friday 1st December from 1.15pm. Due to numbers, it is not possible for all classes and families to attend at the same time, so a rota for classes can be found here along with further information, as was sent out on 23/11/23 to parent/guardians.

2/11/23 Just in case you need reminding… Halloween Disco P1-P3 (5.30pm-6.45pm) / P4-P7 (7.00pm-8.15pm)

1/11/23 November School newsletter here.

30/10/23 Over the years our Christmas Fayre has been a very well attended and fun filled afternoon. In order for us to make it another successful event, we would be really grateful if your child could bring donated items on the dates listed here. Our Christmas Fayre will take place on Friday 1st December at 1.15pm. If parent/carers are able to help at the Fayre, please contact the school, as we would appreciate any support.

27/10/23 Renfrewshire Council has confirmed that due to ongoing industrial action most educational establishments will be closed on Wednesday 1st November. As  a consequence, pupils will not attend Langcraigs on this day and arrangements for learning will be the same as on the three strike days in September. Full details from Mr Maclean can be found here and (for other establishments) from Renfrewshire Council here.

9/10/23 Just a little reminder that our Harvest Assembly will take place on Wednesday 11th October at 9.45am. We hope to once again be able to distribute food parcels to elderly residents in
the local area and to the foodbank in Paisley, list of items welcomed can be found here.

2/10/23 October School Newsletter here.

28/9/23 Just a note to say a big ‘thank you’ if you have engaged (or tried to engage) with home learning over the past three days. Also, please remember we’re back to school as normal on Friday 29th September at 9am – see you all tomorrow!

27/9/23 Many parents and pupils have been experiencing problems accessing Google Classroom and Glow – this appears to be a problem arising from the numbers of users trying to access the sites for home learning (which, yes, may surely have been foreseen!). Teachers have been experiencing the same problems, so please be patient – avoiding peak times is definitely easier (but again, surely the whole point of providing home learning is for it to be done during the school day?). This is completely outwith Langcraigs’ control, but we sincerely apologise to you and offer our sympathy.

Latest from Renfrewshire Council on strike action here (as @ Friday 22 September at 5.30pm).

21st September Potential Industrial Action letter here.

You can view our 2023-24 Standards & Quality Report here and our Summary Improvement Plan 2023-24 here.

September 2023 newsletter here.

Welcome back!  Pupils returned to school on Wednesday 16th August 2023 for the new 2023-2024 session. Langcraigs school year calendar here. You’ll find a full list of school terms and holidays under the ‘Information’ tab above, and the ‘school holidays’ links.

GDPR – We have our school ‘Privacy Notice’ available to view under the  ‘Information’ tab, above – this outlines how we collect and process your data and personal information. For full data protection information from Renfrewshire Council, please click here.

School menus and gritting/icy weather access advice viewable under ‘Information’ tab.

P4 Mr Lardner 032

Welcome from the Head Teacher

Dear Parent/Carer,

Welcome to Langcraigs Primary School’s website.

In Langcraigs, we aim to provide a happy, secure and health promoting learning environment where your child will be encouraged to work hard, to develop social talents and abilities and to take pride in their achievements. We strive to provide all our pupils with a wide range of learning opportunities and our aim is to encourage pupils to be confident individuals, responsible citizens, effective contributors and successful learners.

I look forward to working with you to achieve these aims and to provide a quality education for your child.

Our School Handbook is your guide to the school and an electronic copy is accessible via the ‘Information’ tab above. It, along with links to Renfrewshire Council’s website, will provide you with information on all aspects of life and work within the school. I hope that you will find all the information on and accessible via our website to be helpful and informative.

If at any time there is any matter you wish to discuss, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Yours sincerely

Graeme Maclean

Head Teacher




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