Category Archives: News & Updates

Useful Cyber Resilience, Internet Safety Leaflets 4 #CSW2023

Get Safe Online (Kids) and Child Sexual Abusers

It can be difficult to know where to start with internet risks. The first document will help children and young people think about the things they can do to protect themselves. The second provides support for parents from the Internet Watch Foundation, with practical advice on how to keep children and young people safe.


Parent-Resource Child Sexual Abusers

This is iPad Course Id: 81839 @RenfrewshireRTC

This course will explore the ways in which the built in features on an iPad can be used to enhance learning and teaching and in class experiences. Sign up at CPD Manger, Course ID: 81839

You will get hands on experience to:

  • Start integrating Apple technology into your teaching
  • Discover how features and tools can support specific student learning needs
  • Learn how to get started with the Apple Teacher