Tag Archives: Fundraising

P5H Homework and Reminders – w/b 13.2.17

Good morning everyone, I hope you are enjoying your mid-term break. I’m sure you will have lots to tell us when we return to  school. This week is a very short week but as always we have loads packed into it. Please continue reading for your homework and reminders.

Spelling: Due to the short week there is no spelling homework this week. Normality will resume next week!

Reading: We are continuing with our novel study – Danny the Champion of the World. Please remember if you do not complete the reading you will be unable to take part in the class lesson. Please read chapters 13, 14 and 15 for Tuesday 28th February.

If there are words that you don’t understand please take a note of them in your Book Detectives jotter (remembering the page number) and, if possible, use a dictionary to find out their meaning . We will start our lesson by discussing them in class.

Personal Reading Challenge: Your challenge will be ongoing for the whole of this term (7 weeks of reading left!). I am delighted at the enthusiasm so many of you have been showing for this challenge, keep it up!! Remember to choose your books carefully to ensure they are at the correct level for you – not too easy or too hard. You can bring your book into school as this will allow you to read it during our ERIC time.

Listening & Talking: This term you have a solo presentation to complete. You are responsible for planning, organising and preparing your presentation which you will be presenting in class on Tuesday 28th February. Please click here to see the task sheet with all of the details required. If you require a paper copy of the task sheet, please ask me and I will arrange one for you.

Maths:  Again due to our short week there is no maths homework however, we will be starting our fraction topic soon and it is very important that you know all your tables as this will make working with fractions much easier. Please remember to access the Multiplication and Division Trainers for extra practice.

Multiplication Trainer        Division Trainer

Here are your reminders for this week:

  1. Thursday is our fundraising day! If you are able to bring in any home baking please do so. This can be brought in on either Wednesday or Thursday morning. Once all of the other classes have visited, you may buy any cakes that have not yet been sold.
  2. Due to our fundraising activities there will be no P.E. on Thursday this week.
  3. For those of you who haven’t already done so, please cover all your homework jotters. This helps to keep your jotters in good condition.
  4. Some of you have already brought in an old shirt or tee-shirt to cover your uniform during our art activities. For those of you have not, we will be working on our River Clyde mural throughout the topic so it would be good if you could manage to bring one in. This can be left in school until the end of term/session if you wish.
  5. Please remember if anyone at home is (or has been) linked to the River Clyde in any way through work, we would love to hear from them. Please click here for further information.

Enjoy the rest of your holiday weekend.

See you all on Wednesday.

Mrs. Hughes.

P5 Fundraising!

Image result for cupcakes


On Thursday 16th February, Primary 5 are holding a fundraiser to help raise money for the school funds. The activities will be held in the P5 classes. The activities are:

Bake sale – Cakes will be sold at prices between 10p – £1

Guess the teddy bear’s birthday – 50p

Guess the number of sweets in a jar – 30p for 1 guess or 2 guesses for 50p

Balloon pop – 20p

Please come and support our event.

Thank you

Lewis, Mischa and Owen – P5 Digital Leaders