Category Archives: Whole School News

Christmas Art Day P5-7

This year we had to change our Christmas Art Day but that didn’t stop us having festive fun and making epic displays. We decided to take this opportunity to thank all of the amazing key workers who have helped us during the pandemic. Every pupil decorated and wrote a message on their own little tree tag to decorate our new Christmas tree.

P5 thank the transport services (bus, trains and lorries), P6 thank education and childcare and P7 thank the food services.

Christmas Art Day P1-4

This year we had to change our Christmas Art Day but that didn’t stop us having festive fun and making epic displays. We decided to take this opportunity to thank all of the amazing key workers who have helped us during the pandemic. Every pupil decorated and wrote a message on their own little tree tag to decorate our new Christmas tree.

P1 thank the emergency services, P2 thank the NHS, P3 thank the scientists and P4 thank the utility, communication and financial services.

Christmas Lunch Order – Return ASAP


 The ingredients for the Christmas lunch have to be pre-ordered and we would therefore request that the tear off slip be returned NO LATER THAN TUESDAY 1 DECEMBER 2020.

The cost of the Christmas Lunch is £2.25 P4-7. P1-3 is free.

Payment is made through the new Parentpay system therefore, if your child wishes to have Christmas lunch and you have not activated your account please do so as soon as possible.

Roast Turkey, Roast Potatoes, Carrots, Stuffing & Pigs in Blankets


Steak Pie, Roast Potatoes, Carrots & Peas


Christmas Ice Cream Pots & Christmas Treat

Milk or Water

Alternative menu for special diets is available

Sumdog Contest – Final Results

A huge well done to everyone who took part in the Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest. Your hard work and maths skills helped your class climb the leader board and helped you to improve too!

Well done to P6M who ended up in the Top 10!

7th P6M, Bishopton Primary School 632
20th P4H, Bishopton Primary School 277
23rd P4M, Bishopton Primary School 255
28th P3A, Bishopton Primary School 232
29th P5C, Bishopton Primary School 231
30th P4B , Bishopton Primary School 229
31st P3M, Bishopton Primary School 225
32nd P4F, Bishopton Primary School 223
34th P3C, Bishopton Primary School 215
40th P3F, Bishopton Primary School 194
41st P3W, Bishopton Primary School 186
49th P4J, Bishopton Primary School 148
50th P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 144
55th P7H, Bishopton Primary School 119
59th P2E, Bishopton Primary School 108
61st P5M , Bishopton Primary School 102
68th P5R, Bishopton Primary School 92
73rd P2J, Bishopton Primary School 88
96th P7C , Bishopton Primary School 39

A huge effort by the following pupils who managed to place in the Top 50 Pupils:

26th Jack S P3M, Bishopton Primary School 932
27th Cameron L P6M, Bishopton Primary School 931
30th Carly M P3A, Bishopton Primary School 930
39th Seth Y P3C, Bishopton Primary School 925

Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest

The contest finshes at 8pm tonight so if you have any questions left to play, try your best!

We have amazing news from yesterday: P6M were the daily winners for all of Renfrewshire! Well done to all pupils who participated.

7th P6M, Bishopton Primary School 513
22nd P5C, Bishopton Primary School 228
24th P3A, Bishopton Primary School 223
25th P4B , Bishopton Primary School 222
29th P4F, Bishopton Primary School 207
30th P3F, Bishopton Primary School 205
31st P4M, Bishopton Primary School 198
32nd P3C, Bishopton Primary School 195
36th P4H, Bishopton Primary School 188
37th P3M, Bishopton Primary School 186
41st P3W, Bishopton Primary School 162
46th P4J, Bishopton Primary School 138
49th P7H, Bishopton Primary School 119
52nd P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 114
54th P2E, Bishopton Primary School 106
57th P5M , Bishopton Primary School 93
65th P5R, Bishopton Primary School 84
73rd P2J, Bishopton Primary School 67
88th P7C , Bishopton Primary School 38

We also have four pupils in the Top 50 Pupils! Congratulations!

13th Cameron L P6M, Bishopton Primary School


15th Carly M P3A, Bishopton Primary School
34th Abigail C P3A, Bishopton Primary School
37th Seth Y P3C, Bishopton Primary School


Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest – Day 6

Well it is Day 6 of the Sumdog Contest and we now have nineteen classes who have qualified! Great effort from those who have participated.

15th P3A, Bishopton Primary School 253
23rd P5C, Bishopton Primary School 192
25th P3F, Bishopton Primary School 181
27th P3M, Bishopton Primary School 180
28th P4M, Bishopton Primary School 175
29th P6M, Bishopton Primary School 164
30th P4B , Bishopton Primary School 158
31st P4F, Bishopton Primary School 154
34th P4H, Bishopton Primary School 149
38th P3W, Bishopton Primary School 120
39th P4J, Bishopton Primary School 119
42nd P3C, Bishopton Primary School 118
49th P7H, Bishopton Primary School 92
50th P5M , Bishopton Primary School 90
56th P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 75
59th P5R, Bishopton Primary School 73
60th P2E, Bishopton Primary School 73
67th P2J, Bishopton Primary School 54
77th P7C , Bishopton Primary School 31

We also have three pupils who are still in the Top 50 Pupils! What amazing mathematicians they are!

18th Abigail C P3A, Bishopton Primary School
29th Ruben M P4M, Bishopton Primary School
50th Rory M P3F, Bishopton Primary School

Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest – Day 5

It is Day 5 of the Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest and we now have 18 classes that have qualified! Well done to P3A who are currently in the Top 10!

7th P3A, Bishopton Primary School 271
15th P5C, Bishopton Primary School 154
16th P4F, Bishopton Primary School 148
20th P4B , Bishopton Primary School 135
21st P3F, Bishopton Primary School 132
24th P3M, Bishopton Primary School 122
28th P3W, Bishopton Primary School 106
30th P4J, Bishopton Primary School 102
32nd P4M, Bishopton Primary School 101
37th P5M , Bishopton Primary School 86
38th P4H, Bishopton Primary School 85
40th P3C, Bishopton Primary School 80
41st P7H, Bishopton Primary School 78
44th P6A/G , Bishopton Primary School 64
49th P5R, Bishopton Primary School 51
52nd P2E, Bishopton Primary School 47
57th P2J, Bishopton Primary School 32
58th P7C , Bishopton Primary School 27

We also have four dedicated pupils who are in the Top 50 pupils: keep up the super effort!

12th Abigail C P3A, Bishopton Primary School 907
24th Ruben M P4M, Bishopton Primary School 754
40th Rory M P3F, Bishopton Primary School 564
49th Amy W P4B , Bishopton Primary School 531

Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest – Day 3

It is Day 3 of the Renfrewshire Sumdog Contest and five of our classes have qualified! Well done to the pupils who have taken part so far. Remember you need at least five players in your class to take part before you can qualify. Have fun and keep trying your best.

12th P3W, Bishopton Primary School 84
14th P4M, Bishopton Primary School 65
20th P5M , Bishopton Primary School 48
22nd P4H, Bishopton Primary School 32
24th P5R, Bishopton Primary School 31

We also have two pupils in the Top 50! Super effort from those two – keep it up!

13th Abigail C P3A, Bishopton Primary School 523
21st Ruben M P4M, Bishopton Primary School 439

Children in Need

A massive thank you to all who have supported us today.  The children looked fabulous in their yellow and had a great time in the playground at breaks dancing to Miss McDowall’s playlist!  Most importantly we have raised over £600 so far! This is wonderful and remember that Parent Pay is open for donations until next Wednesday.

Thanking you all once again.

Mrs Davidson

Children in Need

Just a wee reminder to wear something yellow tomorrow.  Our Parent Pay account is building up nicely for this very worthwhile cause… keep it going everyone. As always Bishopton Primary families are very generous.  We will keep the page open until next Wednesday.

Thanking you all once again for your support.

Mrs Davidson

Renfrewshire Latest Update

Dear Parent/Carer,

As you know, the Scottish Government has now introduced a system of new protection levels to help stop the spread of COVID-19, and Renfrewshire has been placed at Level 3.

This means some extra guidance for schools to help keep everyone safe, and we’ve listed what that means for you below:

  • we can now resume indoor PE for pupils when the appropriate safety measures are in place. We are currently working on this and will let you know as soon as this able to go ahead.
  • currently, school staff keep a two-metre distance from pupils as normal practice, but staff will now wear a face covering wherever this is not possible. This will apply from Primary 2 and above. We are conscious of the impact of this on our pupils – where children require additional support, we will identify a different approach which balances safety and quality of communication.
  • school staff will wear face coverings in all communal areas of the school and will explain to our pupils why this is important.
  • visitors, parents and carers should wear a face covering when entering the school or playground and at pick-up and drop-off. We also ask you wear a face covering at any busy pick-up or drop-off points outside school.
  • the national advice is good airflow within schools is important to minimise spread of the virus. As we approach winter and colder weather, we will make sure classrooms are safe, warm and comfortable. However, we ask parents and carers please provide warm clothing, such as a jumper or fleece, in colder weather. Please contact the school directly if we can be of assistance with this.

All of the above is in addition to the existing safety measures in our school, which follow the national guidance and are already of a very high standard. These include:

  • thorough cleaning within the school, very good handwashing regimes, physical distancing between staff and between staff and pupils wherever possible; and good hygiene when catching coughs and sneezes.
  • staggering school start/finish times, breaks and lunchtimes, maintaining class groupings and good ventilation of buildings.

We would also like to remind parents and carers that all children should wear a face covering when travelling to and from school by school bus, unless they are exempt.

More information on what we are doing to keep schools safe is available on the council website, as is a guide to what to do if you suspect or have coronavirus.

We know the ongoing situation is very challenging for everyone, but we are doing all we can to keep our school safe and maintain a welcoming and nurturing learning environment for pupils.

The response from our pupils has been fantastic and we cannot thank you and them enough for your continued support.

Please stay safe at home and follow the latest public health advice. If there is anything else you wish to discuss with us, please contact the school directly.

Scottish Child Payment Click here for the leaflet.

If you have a child who will be under six on 15 February 2021 and you get certain benefits or tax credits, you could be due £40 every four weeks per child once Scottish Child Payment starts.

To help us deal with demand, we are taking applications
now. This way we can make sure we have all the
information and evidence we need. This will help us to
quickly make our decision on your application once the
benefit starts. We will then start making payments from the
end of February 2021.

When you apply for Scottish Child Payment, you can also
apply for Best Start Grant and Best Start Foods at the same
time and on the same form.

Check if you are eligible and apply now at or by calling 0800 182 2222.

Children in Need

Once again this year Bishopton Primary will support Children in Need.  This Friday 13 November, we would like the children who wish to participate to wear yellow for the day and wear their Pudsey ears or hairbands, if they wish. We are suggesting a donation of £1 to be paid through Parent Pay.

Please log in to your Parent Pay to donate, this will be open from this Wednesday 11 November until 18 November.   We look forward to seeing a sea of yellow and having a fun day.

Thanking you in advance for your continued support.


Infant Registration

Reminder: register your 🧒 child for primary one before Monday 9 November.

If your child has their 5th birthday between 1 March 2021 and 28 February 2022, you should register them for school this week – and we’re asking you to do this online.

Go to anytime between Monday 2 and Monday 9 November. 

 You’ll need to have a few things ready to upload:

  1. a copy of your child’s full birth certificate
  2. proof of address – Council Tax and Child Benefit Statement (or Driving Licence, utility/bank statement showing last 3 months transactions)
  3. Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate (if applicable)

If you can’t register online, please phone your local catchment school to arrange an appointment. This is really important – please do not turn up at school without an appointment.

8.45 Soft Start and Face Coverings

Our 8.45 soft start has been working very well, but recently there has been a number of children arriving in the playground before this time.

We are keeping pupils in consistent class and year groups throughout the day. This is to minimise the numbers identified as close contact and having to self isolate should we have a case of COVID within the school.

Children who are spending time in the playground, unsupervised and mixing with other classes and year groups, could potentially have an impact and increase the numbers having to isolate.

Therefore please help us by ensuring your child only arrives in the playground between 8.45 and 9.00a.m.

Also a reminder that the guidance has been updated and face covering should be worn by parents in and around the school premises, including at drop off and pick up.

The Scottish Government had launched Face Covering Exemption card. Those who are exempt can apply here.

Once again we thank you for your support as we work hard to keep our whole community safe.

Face Coverings On School Sites

The updated guidance for schools, published  on the 30th October 2020, on face coverings now states:

“Face coverings should be worn by parents and other visitors to all school sites (whether entering the building or otherwise), including parents at drop-off and pick-up.”

We appreciate that there are exemptions to this but if you are able to, please wear a face covering whilst on the school site including the playground.

Thank you for your cooperation in this.  Our aim is to keep our whole community as safe as possible.