Category Archives: Dargavel Blog

Christmas Wishes

Dear Parent/ Carer,

On behalf of all staff in Bishopton Primary I would like to thank you for all your support since we returned to school in August 2022. I think it is fair to say that it has not been the school year that any of us had predicted just a few months earlier.

For the last 5 months we have been accommodating both Bishopton Primary and Dargavel Primary in our building and apart from being a little ‘cosy’ this has worked really well. Pupils and staff in every department have worked closely together to make this a positive experience for all. Today is the last day that we will have our Dargavel friends in our building. Many of the pupils and staff have been with us for a number of years and we will be very sad to say goodbye to them at the end of the day. New staff and pupils joined the Dargavel team and it has been a pleasure to get to know them, we will miss them too.  Everyone in Bishopton would like to wish Mr Carlton and his team all the best when their new building opens for business on the 6th January. We look forward to continuing our close relationship as Park Mains cluster colleagues.

As we started this school session we were optimistic that it would only be a few weeks before all restriction were lifted and we could quickly resume the full range of activities that we normally offer. Unfortunately COVID-19 had other plans and only last week we find ourselves with yet again another set of tighter guidance. We are grateful for the support and understanding of parents/ carers as we strive to deliver as many experiences in as safe a way possible for our pupils.  We can only hope that as we enter the Spring term the situation starts to improve.

As it currently stands we will be returning in January still under restrictions. We will post more information in the coming days so please continue to read the blog throughout the holidays for any changes.

Finally we would like to wish you and your family a safe and restful festive period.  We look forward to welcoming all of our pupils back to their classes on Thursday 6th January at 9.00a.m.

Week beginning 1st June 2021

Good morning everyone, I hope you all enjoyed the long weekend. We are looking forward to the various transition events taking place this week:
Wednesday 2nd June:
Current P5 & P6 Pupil Transition (2.45pm start for pupils out with Bishopton and 3.15pm – 4pm for BPS pupils)
Current P3-P6 Parents’ Info Session: 6.30pm – 7pm (joining instructions can be found on the Dargavel blog)
Thursday 3rd June:
Current P4 Pupil Transition (2.45pm start for pupils out with Bishopton and 3.15pm – 4pm for BPS pupils)
Please contact myself or Jaki on 0300 300 1481 if you require further information about these events.