All posts by Mrs McNaught

*Parental Questionnaire – Closes Wednesday 3rd June*

Dear Parent/Carer,

Usually we would share our parental questionnaires with you at parents evening in May with an online version for those who were unable to attend.

As this has not been possible this year we are asking you all to take the time to fill in this online version.

The questionnaire will remain open until Wednesday 3rd June. Your feedback is very much appreciated as it helps us to make decisions as we move towards the new session in August.

Teachers will be posting the pupil questionnaires in Teams shortly and we would very much like for you to support and encourage your children to complete this.

Thank you in anticipation for taking the time to do this.

Best Regards

Mrs McNaught

Parental Questionnaires

Dear Parent/Carer,

Usually we would share our parental questionnaires with you at parents evening in May with an online version for those who were unable to attend.

As this has not been possible this year we are asking you all to take the time to fill in this online version.

The questionnaire will remain open until Wednesday 3rd June. Your feedback is very much appreciated as it helps us to make decisions as we move towards the new session in August.

Teachers will be posting the pupil questionnaires in Teams shortly and we would very much like for you to support and encourage your children to complete this.

Thank you in anticipation for taking the time to do this.

Best Regards

Mrs McNaught

School Uniform

Following the announcement about the return to school in August I know that you will be starting to think about school uniform for the next academic year.  

Given that pupils will not, in the first instance, be in school full time and that a significant portion of the time in school may be spent outside, we do not want parents spending a lot of money on uniform that pupils may have grown out of before they have had a chance to wear it.  

Therefore, in consultation with the Parent Council, we would like to suggest the following.  

On return to school pupils wear a red school polo shirt and navy sweatshirt, paired with suitable outdoor trousers and outdoor footwear relevant to the weather conditions on that day. We would also request that pupils come prepared for inclement weather e.g puddle suits or waterproof jackets and trousers.  

Shirts, ties and other items of school uniform can be worn as we return to a more normal pattern of schooling but these will not be essential in the first instance so you may wish to hold off on buying for the time being.  

Should you wish to buy badged polos shirts and sweatshirts these are available from 

Non badged items of uniform are normally available from all high street retailers.  

More information on school uniform can be found in the handbook on our school website. 

The exact details of the return to school are still being worked out and more information will come to you in due course.  

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact the Parent Council or send an email to 

Good Morning 21/05/2020

Good morning everyone. This is the last day of learning before we have a long weekend break.

Everyone has been working really hard over the last few weeks and it will be nice over the next few to take part in some of our other term 4 events. Mr McAvoy, Miss Hunter and the sports day committee have been busy planning our virtual sports day and I hope you, and anyone else in your family who is available, take part.

Miss McDowall and the audition panel have been busy organising the auditions for the talent show. Please get your videos sent over to Miss McDowall as soon as you can so we can get the final cut put together to share.

We are expecting some announcements to be made today and we are all hoping that after these we will have a better idea of when we might get to see all of your smiling faces again. We are all missing you so much.

Have a lovely holiday weekend, stay safe and well and we will see you all again next week.



Good Morning 20/05/2020

Good morning everyone. The weather is looking a bit brighter today so if possible try and spend some time outdoors.

Next week we will have our virtual sports day. I hope you have been practising your skills and are ready to support your house.

As your teachers are learning more and more about Teams, I can see that you are too. Your posts in the chill out zones are becoming more and more imaginative and your IT skills are getting better and better.  I am very impressed.

So as we continue to say, don’t stress over the tasks that you do not manage to complete; you are learning many other important skills while you are not in school.

Stay safe, keep well and have another great day.

Good Morning – 19/05/2020

Good morning everyone, unfortunately the weather isn’t looking too great today either. If you can’t get outside today then this might be the perfect opportunity to record your talent show audition and send it off to Miss McDowall.

You are all doing a great job. I am amazed at the work I see you posting each day.  We are all really proud of all you are achieving during this time. Keep it up. Stay safe and well. Remember only do what is right for you and your family.

Good Morning – 18/05/2020

Good morning all. I hope you all had a lovely weekend despite the fact the weather wasn’t as good as it has been lately.

We are at the start of 2 short weeks (Friday 22nd and Monday 25th are holidays)so you can look forward to the long weekend ahead.

Remember to check in with your teacher and do what you can with the work that they set.

If you are struggling to get online or your household schedule doesn’t fit with the school day please don’t worry. We understand that everyone is in a unique situation and all we ask is that you do your best when you can.

Keep the auditions coming, register any scores for the Renfrewshire Olympics and start getting in shape for our virtual sports day.

The house competition is already fierce between the teachers. Which house colours will be tied to the cup handles this year?

Have a great week.


Good Morning – 15/05/2020

Good morning all. Here we are at Friday again.  I hope you have all had a good week.

If you are looking for something to do this weekend you could spend some time practising for our virtual talent show.

We have received some audition videos already and what a talented bunch you all are.

Check in with your teacher, only do what you can today then go and enjoy a relaxing weekend and we will see you all again on Monday.

Good Morning – 14/05/2020

Good morning and welcome to another beautiful day.

I hope you were as excited as I was yesterday about the announcement of our annual talent show. This always a highlight of the school year, as we get a chance to see all of the wonderful talents that each of you possess.

I am sure many of you have been practising your talents while you have been away from school.  So warm up your singing voice, tune your instrument or get on your dancing shoes and ask an adult at home to help you video your audition piece and send it off to Miss McDowall.

Checkin with your teacher, have a great day and stay safe and well.

Good Morning – 13/05/2020

Good morning everyone. We are waking up to another lovely morning.  A little bit of sunshine makes us all feel better.

Term 4 is always an exciting time in school with lots of learning still happening but also a number of other great activities taking place too.

I am sure many of you will be disappointed that we are not able to get together and take part in these events. Your teachers are disappointed too! Therefor, we have some exciting ideas that we will be sharing with you shortly. Keep checking in to see what we have planned.

Have a great day. Let your teacher know you are around. Do the work you can manage but most importantly stay safe and happy.

Good Morning – 12/05/2020

Good morning all. I hope you are all well this morning. Yesterday we were all experiencing some technical difficulties. These seem to have been resolved so hopefully things will be a bit smoother today.

We are looking forward to participating in the Renfrewshire Leisure Olympics.  If you are taking part, don’t forget to enter your results on the website.

Keep up the great work. We are all really proud of how hard you have all worked.

The weather is lovely again today, enjoy some fresh air and remember to only do what you can.

Good Morning – 11/05/2020

Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a great break and took some time to relax away from the computer screen.

We are back to work this morning but the message remains the same, don’t stress over the tasks set by your teacher. We know all your circumstances are different and people will be able to access and complete the tasks at different rates and time. Do what you can.

Also, your teachers have been experiencing some technical difficulties with the systems over the weekend so please be patient today if you do not get a response, or if work is not posted right away.  We are working on it.

You are all doing an amazing job. Keep it up, we are so impressed by your resilience throughout this.

Last week I spent the week with pupils in the Trinity hub and it just reinforced how much I am missing spending time with you all. I look forward to the time when we can start to spend time together again.

Have a great day.

Good Morning – 01/05/2020

Good morning everyone. We’ve reached Friday again and the weekend is on its way.

Once again you have all worked so hard this week. Make sure you take some time to relax and recharge your batteries.  The weekend weather is not looking too bad so hopefully you will be able to spend some time outside.

Remember although you can’t see them, it is still important to keep in touch with your friends. Pop into the Chill Out zone and say a quick hello. The same good manners rules that we have in school apply.

The teachers are also missing each other so we kept our spirits high by having an online quiz. Congratulations to Mrs Fraser who was the winner. Big thanks to Miss McDowall and Mr McAvoy for putting together the questions. It was great fun.

Have a great weekend. Stay safe and well and we will see you back on Monday. 

Good Morning – 29/04/2020

Good morning everyone. I hope you are all well.

Unfortunately it’s not the lovely morning we’ve been used to over the last few weeks.

If you can’t get outside today or if Teams is not working for you today please remember that it is OK to be doing other things.

If you want to do some learning away from the computer, BBC Bitesize have loads  of programmes on the iPlayer. You can watch these on your TV.

Sometimes it is nice to take some time to just be still and read a book or if you prefer you can listen to some free audiobooks here.

Check in with your teacher and then whichever was your day goes stay safe and well.

Good Morning – 28/08/2020 – Message for Parents and Carers

Dear Parents and Carer,

Once again all of the staff would like to thank you for your continued support during this time. We understand the amount of stress and anxiety that families are under during this time and we would like to reassure you that you are doing a great job and we do not want you to feel under any additional pressure.

Teachers will continue to provide work for pupils, but we appreciate that this might not get completed. Everyone’s circumstances at this time are different and you alone will know what is best for your family and household.

All we ask is that pupils check in with their teacher on a regular basis, anything else they manage is a bonus.

The school is still here to support you in any way possible. If you need to get in touch you can email to the normal school enquiries email address, , and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Once again please do what is best for you and your family, there will be plenty of time for us to catch up on the formal learning when we are all safely back in our school. In the meantime stay safe and well.

Take care.


Mrs McNaught


Good Morning – 27/04/2020

Good morning all. I hope you had a lovely weekend and managed to enjoy some of the great weather. It doesn’t look as if it is going to last too much longer so remember to take advantage of it while you can.

Check in with your teacher and then organise your day in the way that suits you and your family best. Don’t stress or get frustrated if the technology lets us down, there are plenty of other things you can be doing.  Your teacher is in the same situation and may not be online the whole day too. Don’t worry!

Have a great week.

Good Morning – 24/04/2020

Good morning all. I can hardly believe that we are at the end of the week. The days have flown in.  We also need to remember this is just week 3 of this new ways of learning. If things have not gone as you had expected please do not be too hard on yourself or your teacher. With each week we work this way, things are getting better and we are learning new tips and tricks about the technology.

The weather looks likely to stay dry and bright over the weekend. I hope you are able to get out and make the most of the outdoors. If you have been managing to take part in The Big Pedal you can still do this over the weekend and post your pictures for your teacher to see.

A huge thank you to you and all the parents/carers for all the hard work and support this week. Have a nice weekend and we will see you all again on Monday.

Good Morning – 23/04/2020

Good morning all. I hope you are enjoying your first week of Term 4.  I know that some of you have been a bit anxious this week about getting your work done on time. Please don’t worry about this.

These are not normal school days and we are not expecting you to stick to a normal school timetable. Your teacher will continue to provide tasks for you to do and will be online during the normal school day to answer any questions you might have. However we know that it might not be possible for you to access your tasks online all day. We know you will be sharing IT equipment with others in your house  and can’t be online all of the time or you might find it hard to sit and concentrate in front of the screen.

All of this is fine. Please continue to check in with your teacher each day but don’t worry if you don’t get everything done by the end of the day. Take time to stay active and do things away from the computer.

Your teachers just want to know that you are staying healthy and happy and doing your best.

A Message from Active Schools

Dear Parent/Guardian.

I hope you are well.

Active Schools

There has been a very positive response to the online workshops provided by Active Schools. You can view the schedule and sign-up here:

We hope you continue to enjoy the workshops and please let us know any feedback you may have.

Wellbeing at Home

Renfrewshire Leisure are also here to provide your mind & body with an online resource of cultural, leisure and sporting offerings. On our website you’ll find a variety of ideas, tips and activities to support both your mental and physical wellbeing via:

  • Library Services
  • At home workouts
  • Additional resources
  • Mental health
  • Vitality
  • Walking
  • Macmillan Cancer support
  • NHS Live Active

We will continue to update this page every week featuring our services and virtual offerings. Keep checking back to find out more:

Stay safe and thanks for your continued support.

Kind Regards,


Good Morning – 22/04/2020

Good morning everyone and welcome to another beautiful day.  Remember to try and spend some time outdoors today making the most of the good weather while it lasts. Stay safe and remember your sunscreen.

Everyone has been so enthusiastic this week and I have seen some amazing work on your class teams. Keep it up but remember learning doesn’t just happen in front of your computer screen. Now is a great time to be learning some other skills around the house.

Gardening, preparing food, laundry and tidying up are all important skills and I’m sure your parents will appreciate your help. P1 have been right on this posting pictures of the tasks they have been completing around the house. Well done!!

Good Morning – 21/04/2020

Good morning all. I hope you all had a great day yesterday catching up with your teacher and chatting with friends in the Chill Zone.

Today looks like another lovely day. If possible spend some of your day outdoors. You will be able to complete your tasks at any time throughout the day. I am sure the dry days will not last forever so make the  most of them while you can.

Mrs Marshall joined us yesterday as a new member of the teaching staff and we welcome her. She is now set up on GLOW so may be popping in to your Team to say hello. I’m sure you will all make her feel very welcome when we get back into our building.

Have a lovely day!

Good Morning -20/04/20- Welcome Back

Good morning everyone. I hope that you have managed to have a break of some sorts over the last two weeks and that all our families remain safe and well.

The staff are all looking forward to hearing from their pupils this morning. I expect that there will be another surge on the use of online tools this morning and things may not go as smoothly as we would like.  Remember the advice is still the same; do what you can, don’t stress over the stuff you can’t. However can I ask that all pupils at some point in the day post a comment on the checkin post to let their teacher know that they have seen the messages that they have posted.

As a school we are here to help you in any way we can. Mrs Davidson and Ms McLaren will continue to call round to see if there is anything we can do to help. However don’t wait for a call, if you need any help let your child’s class teacher know and we will be in touch as soon as possible.

This is not the start to term 4 that we had hoped for but let’s continue to work together to make this the best term it could be in the current circumstances.

Pupil Reports and Feedback Form

Today you should receive your pupil report card via your child’s GLOW email address. The system may be very busy so you might not get it straight away.  If it has not arrived in a couple of days please get in touch.

If the report needs to be shared with anyone who is having to remain outwith the household at the moment we would ask that you forward it on as we currently don’t have access to school files.

The link below will take you to our online feedback form. We would appreciate you taking the time to fill this in.