Good Morning – 11/05/2020

Good morning everyone. I hope you all had a great break and took some time to relax away from the computer screen.

We are back to work this morning but the message remains the same, don’t stress over the tasks set by your teacher. We know all your circumstances are different and people will be able to access and complete the tasks at different rates and time. Do what you can.

Also, your teachers have been experiencing some technical difficulties with the systems over the weekend so please be patient today if you do not get a response, or if work is not posted right away.  We are working on it.

You are all doing an amazing job. Keep it up, we are so impressed by your resilience throughout this.

Last week I spent the week with pupils in the Trinity hub and it just reinforced how much I am missing spending time with you all. I look forward to the time when we can start to spend time together again.

Have a great day.

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