P5 – Group 2 Maths Homework w/b 16.1.17

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Please read each question carefully so you understand fully what is being asked of you and the type of operation which should be used.

Each answer should show all workings and include a sentence answer. This task should be completed and returned to school by Friday.

Work It Out!

Word Problems

  1. For our Personal Reading Challenge Charlie read 7 books. If each book had 236 pages, how many pages did Charlie read in total?
  1. Mrs O’Neill got a new phone during the holidays. During her first week she used 26 minutes of calls. The second week she used 348 minutes. If she has a total of 600 free minutes, how many minutes does Mrs O’Neill have left to use before she is charged for her calls?
  1. At the weekend Kieran and Mikey ordered 7 extra large pizzas (they were very hungry). The total cost was £147. How much did it cost for each pizza?
  1. Heather needs at least 2000 points to move up a level on her favourite Xbox game. She only has 1254 points at the moment. How many more points does Heather need to qualify for the next level?
  1. Innis enjoys baking with her sister Eve. They go to the Co-op to buy ingredients for a cake.  The flour cost 80p, the eggs £1.20, the butter £1.25 and the milk 99p. How much was the total cost for all of the ingredients? How much change did they receive from £10.00?
  1. Challenge question   Luca enjoys going for long walks with his puppy, Dash.  On Saturday he decided to walk from his house in Bishopton, across the Erskine Bridge and back again.  If this is a distance of 6 miles (one way), how many miles will he have walked in total if he does the same walk again on Sunday?





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